
Simple TFTP client in Python. Handles GET and PUT

Primary LanguagePython

TFTP Client

author: Ólafur Aron Jóhannsson
email: olafurjohannss@gmail.com


Scripts and GUI that implements a client that Reads/Write's using the TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) desctribed in RFC 1350.

cmd.py is a command line script requires at least three arguments: host, command and filename. It also has two optional arguments, port and alternative name.

cmd2.py is a command line script that implements the same features, but instead of command line arguments it promts user for input.

gui.py is a gui version of the client. It can be initalized from the command line or by double clicking the gui.py file.

usage: cmd.py [-h] [-p PORT] [-a ALT_NAME] host command file_name

cmd.py tftp.example.com writes sample.txt # Writes the file sample.txt to tftp.example.com

cmd.py tftp.example.com skrifar sample.txt -p 102 -a skra.txt # Writes the file sample.txt to tftp.example.com on port 102 as skra.txt

cmd.py tftp.example.com reads sample.txt # Reads the file sample.txt from tftp.example.com

cmd.py tftp.example.com lesa sample.txt -p 102 -a skra.txt # Reads the file sample.txt from tftp.example.com on port 102 as skra.txt


positional arguments:

host the host to connect to

command enter command: read, write or quit

file_name name of the file to read/write

optional arguments:

-h, --help show this help message and exit

-p PORT, --port PORT use specific port

-a ALT_NAME, --alt_name ALT_NAME read/write with an alternate name

Packages: tftp.py # module that handles tftp packets, logging and testing client.py # module that interacts with a tftp server. cmd.py # module that takes in command line args and uses client.py cmd2.py # module that takes input from a user and uses client.py gui.py # module that loads a gui version of the client