
✨ This repo contains my projects & tutorials for Udacity - Deep Learning

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Udacity - Deep Learning

✨ This repo contains my projects and tutorials for Udacity - Deep Learning. You can find my certificate here.

Tutorials & Projects

Introduction to Neural Networks

Convolutional Neural Networks

  • Weight Initialization: Explore how initializing network weights affects performance.
  • Autoencoders: Build models for image compression and de-noising, using feedforward and convolutional networks in PyTorch.

Recurrent Neural Networks

  • Intro to Recurrent Networks (Character-wise RNN): Recurrent neural networks are able to use information about the sequence of data, such as the sequence of characters in text.
  • Embeddings (Word2Vec): Implement the Word2Vec model to find semantic representations of words for use in natural language processing.
  • Sentiment Analysis RNN: Implement a recurrent neural network that can predict if the text of a moview review is positive or negative.
  • Sequence to sequence: Implement a sequence-to-sequence recurrent network.
  • Tensorboard: LSTM network for generating new characters built using TensorFlow and trained on Leo Tolstoy's masterpiece. Use TensorBoard to visualize the network graph, as well as how parameters change through training.
  • Machine Translation: Train a sequence to sequence network for English to French translation (on a simple dataset)

Generative Adversarial Networks

Deep Reinforcement Learning


  • Predicting Bike-Sharing Patterns: Implement a neural network in NumPy to predict bike rentals.
  • Dog Breed Classifier: Build a convolutional neural network with PyTorch to classify any image (even an image of a face) as a specific dog breed.
  • TV Script Generation: Train a recurrent neural network to generate scripts in the style of dialogue from Seinfeld.
  • Face Generation: Use a DCGAN on the CelebA dataset to generate images of new and realistic human faces.
  • Teach a Quadcopter How to Fly: Design an agent to fly a quadcopter, and then train it using a reinforcement learning algorithm of your choice!