
Slack channel -> Spotify playlist

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Create a secrets.js file with this template:

module.exports = {
    spotifyClientCredentials : {
        redirectUri: '', // only for auth step, from ngrok (see below)
        clientId: '', // from spotify app dashboard
        clientSecret: '', // from spotify app dashboard
    spotifyRefreshToken: '' // from running `npm run authorize` (see below)
    slackBotOauthAccessToken: 'xoxb-...', // from https://api.slack.com/apps/ in app's oauth and permissions section
    spotifyChannelName: '' // from channel information at the bottom of the spotify channel

Fill in all the gaps apart from spotifyRefreshToken and use the below process to fill that

Authorizing Spotify

Run ngrok http 3000

Copy the ngrok URL into the spotify app's callback URLs, adding /callback to the end of it. Also copy this value into secrets.js (spotifyClientCredentials.redirectUri)

Run npm run authorize

The console will print an auth URL - visit it, and log into your spotify account. Accept the app's access.

Once you do, the callback will hit the app and the app will log out your refresh and access code.

Copy the refresh token into secrets.js (spotifyRefreshToken)