This project requires you to develop a website template viewer. The template viewer is modeled after the filmstrip folder view in Windows Explorer.

Technical Requirements

  • Develop as a Single Page Application
  • Develop both a front-end component and back-end API to retrieve the data.
  • Use a javascript front-end implementation of your choice, some suggestions might be ReactJS, Angular or AngularJS
  • Create a back-end API implementation with NodeJS/Express


Example Filmstrip

Feature Requirements

  • Display the thumbnail images in a filmstrip view below the main large image
  • Set the thumbnail to have a sliding window with 4 thumbnails visible in the window at a time.
  • Implement a "next" and "previous" link per the styles provided. The sliding window is not circular, when the first 4 thumbnails appear, the previous link should be disabled. When the end of the thumbnail set is reached, the next link should be disabled. Note: The sliding window may not have a total of 4 thumbnails if the total template count is not evenly divisible by 4. There are 15 templates in the reference data.
  • Example: If there are 15 templates total, then the initial view would show 4 thumbnail images with previous disabled, then clicking "Next" would advance to the next 4 images, next would advance to the next 4, and so on. Finally, there wouild only be 3 images in the sliding window with next disabled and previous enabled.
  • When clicking on a thumbnail, the large image corresponding to that thumbnail should appear in the main window, along with the meta data about that template (ID, Cost, Description, Thumbnail File Name, Image File Name)
  • Per the reference styles and html, the thumbnail image should have a border when selected.

Reference Data

  • /data/templates.json - Array of templates and meta data
  • /images/large - Large size images of templates
  • /images/thumbnails - Thumbnail images of templates
  • /images/next.png - Button image for next link
  • /images/previous.png - Button image for previous link
  • index.html - reference HTML
  • /style/style.css - reference CSS

What if I have questions?

  • Take your interpretation of the requirements. As long as your interpretation is defensible.

How do I submit the project?

  • Submit a URL to a public github/gitlab repo
  • Make sure to include a readme to document any installation steps to run the project