Project Name: Covid-19-Dashboard-Data-Analysis-Using-Excel

Problem Statement

  • COVID-19 pandemic hit the global world harshly in 2020. It was reported that the first infections from SARS-Cov-2 were discovered in Wuhan, China. Most people infected with the virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without acquiring special treatment. However , some will become seriosly ill and require medical attentions with death cases recorded across countries.
  • The aim of this project is to investigate the spread and mortality rate of COVID-19 pandemic across countries globally. To determine the top 5 affected countries and their recovery capability

Data Sourcing

Raw data file on confirmed cases, death and recovery cases for all countries were sourced from where it is updated on a daily basis.

Findings & Recommendation


After the investigation of the spread of the pandemic across countries globally,the total confirmed cases globally from jan, 2020 to june 22, 2022 sums up to 152,411,397,891 at 1.75% mortality rate. Result also shows the highest confirmed cases of COVID-19 was recorded in the US (28,285,568,004) while North Korea recorded the lowest confirmed cases (1) globally.


With the high rate of confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 1.75% mortality rate globally since jan 2020 to june 22, 2022, confirmed cases are being recorded everyday.

  1. I will recommend that the public should stay safe and stay away from dirty surfaces.
  2. People should get vaccinated and normalize regular check up.
  3. The governments should not stop the awareness and rules to preventing the spread of COVID-19