
Final project for KTH-course Modern Methods of Software Engineering - Django

Primary LanguagePython

Event Organisation Booking System

This project was a KTH assignment for Modern Methods of Software Engineering. It models the workflow of an imaginary event-planning company "SEP". Specifically, it shows the basic workflows of

  1. Customer service officers, taking bookings ("event request applications") from a client
  2. Senior customer sevice officers and administration manager that approve the event bookings
  3. Financial managers that
    • approves these bookings
    • approves budget requests
  4. Staff managers, that
    • creates budget requests
    • create subteam tasks
    • create staff requests
  5. HR managers that view staff requests

Installing Project

  1. Install Python 3.7.4

  2. Setup virtual environment in folder venv/

    cd path/to/project
    python3 -m venv venv
  3. Start using python distribution of venv

    source bin/activate

    Check which python/pip is being used by doing

    which pip
    # or
    which python
  4. Install all requirements into venv

    pip install -r requirements.txt

In case a new database should be used, be sure to initialize it properly:

  1. Execute migrations

    python manage.py migrate
  2. Initialize data

    python manage.py shell_plus < sep/create_user_groups.py

    This could have been done better by writing the file into migrations. shell_plus is part of django-extensions which executes a Python shell that uses the Django Project as a environment. A super user would have to be created manually however. See Django Docs for that.

Running Project

Running this project will be fairly straightfoward.

  1. Start project (using python from /venv)

    python manage.py runserver 0:8001
  2. Visit localhost:8001/sep/home

  3. Login with

Username Password
sep_superuser abc123
customer_service_officer_1 abc123
senior_customer_service_officer_1 abc123
financial_manager_1 abc123
production_manager_1 abc123
service_manager_1 abc123
administration_manager_1 abc123
hr_manager_1 abc123