OpenTable Code Challenge
The challenge is to create a simple Android app that exercises a REST-ful API. The API endpoint : results in a json response which is a list of different movie reviews published by ny times.
Features Beyond Requirements
- “Endless” scrolling list: When approaching the end of the current list, the app will load more content.
- Review Content View: Upon selecting a list item, the review content will be fetched and displayed as a dialog over the list of reviews.
- Lifecycle awareness to retain data through configuration changes
Framework & Libraries
- Retrofit for Networking
- RxJava for thread management of network calls
- LiveData for lifecycle aware observable data
- ViewModel of Android Architecture Components
- ButterKnife for resource resolution
- Glide for image loading
Limitations & Known Issues
- Persistent cache of reviews to reduce network load and support off-line
- Support for fragments or alternative frameworks such as Conductor
- Espresso tests