
A Sinatra application generator providing Blueprint CSS, jQuery, Haml, Sass, Compass, RSpec, Cucumber, and Capybara.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A RubiGen Sinatra application template generator providing Blueprint CSS, jQuery, Haml, Sass, Compass, RSpec, Cucumber, and Capybara.


$ gem sources -a http://gemcutter.org/ # If you do not have gemcutter as a source, add it!
$ sudo gem install tempatra

Basic Usage

Generate a new application

$ tempatra your-app-name

Move into your new application

$ cd your-app-name

To run your application locally

$ shotgun --server=thin -p 4567 config.ru

Then go to http://localhost:4567/ with your browser)

To compile your Sass stylesheets with Compass on demand

$ compass compile

To monitor your project for changes and automatically recompile

$ compass watch

Use autospec

$ autospec

Run RSpec and Cucumber tests

$ rake


Show all options

$ tempatra

Display Tempatra version number

$ tempatra -v

Don't create git repository

$ tempatra your-app-name -N

Don't run Compass as a standalone project

$ tempatra your-app-name -C

Create and push to Heroku (requires heroku gem and Heroku account)

$ tempatra your-app-name -H


Aaron Quint's sinatra-gen is a Sinatra application generator that provides many options.


Stewart Laufer (theIV)
Olivier Lauzon (olauzon)


Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Olivier Lauzon. See LICENSE for details.