
Visualize and preview written chord progressions

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Chords Guru Turbo 100a Deluxe


Web app for simple visualization, audio previewing and MIDI exportation of textual chord progressions.

Live demo: https://ki.gy/cv


  • Visualize textual chords / chord progressions.
  • Autocomplete from over 800 chords while typing.
  • Full chord inversion cycling (of any chord).
  • Full chord transposition cycling.
  • Export chord progression as a MIDI file (drag-n-drop-ready for DAW).
  • Click chord visualization to hear audio preview.
  • Humanize the audio preview.
  • Instrument selection for the audio preview.
  • Octave shift for the audio preview.
  • Auto-play/loop the entire progression according to BPM and number of repeats per chord.
  • Automatically continue where you left off (per device).
  • Save and load chord progressions (NOTE that sessions are stored in your browser's cookies, so don't expect them to be stored forever).
  • Shortcut keys:
    • Space - toggle play
    • QWERTY etc... - play corresponding chord
    • . - reveal chords2midi command for whatever is on the screen. Not needed in online demo, where we have an [Export MIDI file] button.


  • Add or replace instrument from any URL or directory path (e.g. copy-paste any of the *-mp3 directory URLs from here, here or here) to the instruments list in cv.js.

Demo instruments are from FatBoy (deprecated) via midi-js-soundfonts

chords2midi.py is a bonus utility that can be used to save a chord progression from the web app as a MIDI file. It accepts all Chords Guru Turbo 100a Deluxe options as paremeters. Press . in the web app to reveal full command to save your current work as MIDI. Note that the online demo uses a REST API to run chords2midi.py, thus providing a direct MIDI download via [Export MIDI file] button.