
Database application made as a part of practical work assignment

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


The Internet message board

A database application made as a part of practical work assignment.

Available at https://hy-forum.herokuapp.com/


A slightly modified version of the example topic "Keskustelufoorumi".

Aims to be a simplistic Internet message board, where users can create message threads inside a topic. A topic might be something like "Sports", while a message thread in said topic might discuss the Olympics.

Running locally

1. Rename the environment configuration file and edit it to fit your needs. See configuration instructions for more info.

$ cp .env.dist .env

2. Install dependencies

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

3. Run the application

$ python run.py

Database migrations

The project uses Flask-Migrate for database migrations.

Migrations are run automatically when you run the application.

To see available CLI commands, run

$ python run.py db --help




For the reviewer

Register as a new user and you can fiddle around as much as you want.

You can alternatively login as one of the following test users:

Basic user

  • Username: test
  • Password: 1234


  • Username: test-mod
  • Password: 1234


  • Username: test-admin
  • Password: 1234