This is a simple mod loader for Rounds. It includes a basic wrapper for custom networked events and a framework for adding new Cards.
- HarmonyLib (github)
- Manually modifying the game's Assembly-CSharp.dll to inject the mod-loader
- Download the mod-loader from releases
- Extract the RoundsModLoader.dll into "ROUNDS\Rounds_Data\Managed"
- Download HarmonyLib (link above)
- Extract 0Harmony.dll (.NET 4.5 version) into "ROUNDS\Rounds_Data\Managed"
- If the folder doesn't already exist, create a folder titled "Mods" in "ROUNDS\Rounds_Data"
- Drop any mods into the mods folder
- Finally, manually patch the Assembly-CSharp.dll file (I recommend using dnSpy) as follows:
Inject the following code-snippet into the "Update" method of the "PlayerManager" class.
if (!ModLoader.IsInitialized())
Add the "RoundsModLoader.dll" reference to the assembly with the button shown here:
To create mods compatible with this mod-loader create a "Class Library (.NET Framework)" VS project, add RoundsModLoader.dll to references. Then you'll create your mod's entry point.
For Example:
using RoundsMDK;
using UnityEngine;
public class EntryPoint : IMod
private static readonly string ModName = "Cursor Fix";
public string Initialize()
// Confine cursor to game window
Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Confined;
return ModName;
Build the project in release mode (be sure to target .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher). Drop it into the "ROUNDS\Rounds_Data\Mods" folder. It will be automatically initialized on the game's startup and display a popup with the returned ModName.
The mod loader includes (primarily) two helper utilities you should take note of. The NetworkingManager and the CustomCard classes.
The NetworkingManager abstracts the default Photon networking capabilities away into an easy-to-use interface you can use for communication between clients. Example usage:
private const string MessageEvent = "YourMod_MessageEvent";
NetworkingManager.RegisterEvent(MessageEvent, (data) => {
ModLoader.BuildInfoPopup("Test Event Message: " + (string)data[0]); // should print "Test Event Message: Hello World!"
// send event to other clients only
NetworkingManager.RaiseEventOthers(MessageEvent, "Hello World!");
// send event to other clients AND yourself
NetworkingManager.RaiseEvent(MessageEvent, "Hello World!");