- 0
- 18
- 8
- 0
- 3
Use different characters instead of colors
#27 opened by AlbertoSinigaglia - 1
- 2
- 3
Missing link to repository on PyPI page
#25 opened by adigitoleo - 4
Configurable move / zoom keys
#23 opened by riga - 3
Histogram x-axis range ignored
#24 opened by riga - 0
- 6
Suggestion for speeding up large data
#14 opened by kootenpv - 1
Label choice does not always seem optimal
#17 opened by olavolav - 0
- 0
Incorrect axis labels in rare cases
#15 opened by olavolav - 3
Feature request: Boxplot
#12 opened by Chaitanyabsprip - 2
- 7
Can it support NaN?
#13 opened by Freed-Wu - 0
Incorrect centering of labels with units
#11 opened by olavolav - 1
Fill area under curve
#9 opened by olavolav - 6
Get a plot as a string
#10 opened by JoshKarpel - 2
- 6
- 3
- 2
Occasional gaps in lines
#4 opened by olavolav - 1
Crash after zooming
#3 opened by olavolav - 0