
Adds Hotjar capabilities as custom hooks such as init, identify and stateChange

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT



Adds Hotjar capabilities as custom hooks to your project


Statements Branches Functions Lines
Statements Branches Functions Lines

Table of Contents


npm install --save react-use-hotjar


  • Initializing Hotjar (use it at the very top of your application)
import * as React from 'react';
import useHotjar from 'react-use-hotjar';

const myCustomLogger = console.info;

const HotjarReadyApp = () => {
  const { initHotjar } = useHotjar();

  React.useEffect(() => {
    initHotjar(1234567, 6, false, myCustomLogger);
  }, [initHotjar]);

  return <App />;
  • Identifying Users (Use it wherever user's information is available. Send and object respecting Identify API's rules)
import * as React from 'react';
import useHotjar from 'react-use-hotjar';

const myCustomLogger = console.log;

const MyCustomComponent = () => {
  const { identifyHotjar } = useHotjar();

  const handleUserInfo = (userInfo) => {
    const { id, ...restUserInfo } = userInfo;

    identifyHotjar(id, restUserInfo, myCustomLogger);



useHotjar() returns:

  • An object with the following keys:
key description arguments example
readyState States if Hotjar is ready N/A N/A
initHotjar Initialize method (hotjarId: number, hotjarVersion: number, hotjarDebug?: boolean, loggerCallback?: console[method]) (1933331, 6, false, console.info)
identifyHotjar User identify API method (userId: string, userInfo: object, loggerCallback?: console[method]) ('abcde-12345-12345', {name:"Olli",surname:"Parno",address:"Streets of Tomorrow"}, console.log)
stateChange Relative path state change (relativePath: string, loggerCallback?: console[method]) ('route/logged-route/user?registered=true')
tagRecording Tag a recording (tags: string[], loggerCallback?: console[method]) (['tag1', 'tag2'])
  • initHotjar()
  1. hotjarId: Your Hotjar application ID ex.: 1933331
  2. hotjarVersion: Hotjar's current version ex.: 6
  3. hotjarDebug: Optional Debug Mode to see hotjar logs in console ex.: true
  4. logCallback: Optional callback for logging whether Hotjar is ready or not
initHotjar: (
  hotjarId: string,
  hotjarVersion: string,
  hotjarDebug?: boolean,
  logCallback?: () => void
) => boolean;
  • identifyHotjar()
  1. userId: Unique user's identification as string
  2. userInfo: User info of key-value pairs (note this must not be so long and deep according to docs) (Please note: The Identify API is only available to Business plan customers.)
  3. logCallback: Optional callback for logging whether Hotjar identified user or not
identifyHotjar: (userId: string, userInfo: object, logCallback?: () => void) =>
  • stateChange()
  1. relativePath: A change in a route specially for SPAs usage. stateChange docs
  2. logCallback: Optional callback for logging whether Hotjar stateChange was called or not
stateChange: (relativePath: string, logCallback?: () => void) => boolean;
  • tagRecording()
  1. tags: List of strings to associate with a recording that can be used for filtering
  2. logCallback: Optional callback for logging whether Hotjar tagRecording was called or not
tagRecording: (tags: string[], logCallback?: () => void) => boolean;


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Olavo Parno
Olavo Parno

🤔 💻 ⚠️
Gianpietro Lavado
Gianpietro Lavado

Ivan Kleshnin
Ivan Kleshnin

💻 🤔
Ajay Varghese
Ajay Varghese

💻 🤔

🔧 💻 🤔 📖
Georg Bakken Idland
Georg Bakken Idland

📖 🤔
Jason Papakostas
Jason Papakostas

Luighi Viton-Zorrilla
Luighi Viton-Zorrilla

🐛 🚧

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


react-use-hotjar is MIT licensed.

This hook is created using create-react-hook.