
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

PedGraph -- Multilayer networks for pedigree analysis

Travis CI build Docker build

NOTE: This project is a work in progress.

PedGraph is a data management and analysis tool for genealogical data. It uses a graph database represent information about individuals and their relationships. Using a graph database allows us to make arbitrarily complex queries about relationships and individuals simultaneously. For example, provided you have birth year and phenotype information available, you could ask question like these:

  • Give me all pairs of individuals whose most recent common ancestor was born after 1800
  • For each founder count the descendants affected by cystic fibrosis

The database queries in general take the form of (child)-[:is_child]-(parent), you could for example query (descendant {ind: "1")-[:is_child*]-(ancestor:Founder) to find all ancestors of individual "1" who are founders.

PedGraph is implemented in Python3, and uses the Neo4j database. To use PedGraph you need to install it from source and be able to connect to a Neo4j database.


For now, we install via pip. Clone repo:

git clone https://github.com/olavurmortensen/pedgraph.git
cd pedgraph

Create a virtual environment and activate it:

python3 -m venv venv
activate venv/bin/activate

Install via pip:

pip install -e .

Run Neo4j with Docker

The easiest way to run the Neo4j database is via Docker:

# Make a folder to store database dumps in, and to import files into Neo4j.
mkdir neo4j_db_dump neo4j_file_import
# Run database.
docker run -d \
    -p7474:7474 -p7687:7687 \
    --env=NEO4J_AUTH=none \
    --volume=$(pwd)/neo4j_db_dump:/data --volume=$(pwd)/neo4j_file_import:/var/lib/neo4j/import/ \

Build database

To build the database, use the BuildDB() class, supplying the URI to the Neo4j database (that should be running in a Docker container), and the path to a CSV pedigree.

Below, we import the BuildDB() in Python, and build the database using one of the test trees in the PedGraph project.

>>> from pedgraph.BuildDB import BuildDB
>>> BuildDB('bolt://', 'pedgraph/test/test_data/test_tree2.csv')
INFO:root:#Persons: 11
INFO:root:#Females: 6
INFO:root:#Males: 5
INFO:root:#Founders: 4
INFO:root:#Leaves: 2
INFO:root:#is_child: 13
INFO:root:#is_mother: 6
INFO:root:#is_father: 7

Alternatively, you can run the script from the command-line.

python pedgraph/BuildDB.py --uri bolt:// --csv pedgraph/test/test_data/test_tree2.csv

Reconstruct genealogies

Say you want to analyze the genealogy of a set of individuals, probands in a cohort perhaps. Further, say you want to do this in some other software, typically you want this data in CSV format with ind,father,mother,sex columns. This is where this class comes in handy.

Below is an example where we use the ReconstructGenealogy class to build the genealogical tree of two individuals (in this context referred to as "probands").

>>> from pedgraph.ReconstructGenealogy import ReconstructGenealogy
>>> gen = ReconstructGenealogy('bolt://', probands=['9', '10'])
INFO:root:Reconstrucing genealogy of 3 probands.
INFO:root:Found 9 ancestors.
INFO:root:Building a genealogy with 11 individuals.
INFO:root:Number of individuals in reconstructed genealogy: 11

The output, the gen object, is a member of the Genealogy class. This class implements a write_csv method, such that we can store this genealogy in a standard CSV pedigree file.


Basic database queries

Below, we us the Neo4j API to connect to the database.

>>> from neo4j import GraphDatabase
>>> driver = GraphDatabase.driver('bolt://')
>>> session = driver.session()

Below we find all child-parent relationships, and return the ID of the child and parent of all these.

>>> result = session.run('MATCH (child:Person)-[:is_child]->(parent) RETURN child.ind, parent.ind')
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(result.values())
[['1', '11'],
 ['5', '1'],
 ['5', '2'],
 ['6', '1'],
 ['6', '2'],
 ['7', '3'],
 ['7', '4'],
 ['8', '3'],
 ['8', '4'],
 ['9', '5'],
 ['9', '8'],
 ['10', '6'],
 ['10', '7']]

Below, we find all the ancestors of a particular person.

>>> session.run('MATCH (p:Person {ind: "9"})-[:is_child*]->(a) RETURN a.ind').values()
[['8'], ['4'], ['3'], ['5'], ['2'], ['1'], ['11']]

Count how many descendants each person has.

>>> session.run('MATCH (p:Person)-[:is_child*]->(a) RETURN a.ind, count(*)').values()
[['11', 5], ['2', 4], ['1', 4], ['4', 4], ['3', 4], ['8', 1], ['5', 1], ['7', 1], ['6', 1]]

See e.g. here for more information about Neo4j queries.