This application can monitor one or multiple websites and send notification to slack channel if the website is down.
With this configuration you can only configure 1 domain
Create a file called .env
into the same folder where your executable is
SLACK_BOT_TOKEN=<your token>
SLACK_CHANNEL_ID=<your channel id>
# Slow warning limit is set in miliseconds
# Scan frequency in seconds
# User agent, if not set it uses GolangUptimeBot/1.0
# If the error occures frequently we stop flooding slack, we repeat the message only after the delay secounds passed, aggregating the number of occurances.
With this configuration you can only configure 1 or multiple domains.
Create a file called config.yaml
into the same folder where your executable is
- SlackBotToken: your token
ScanFrequency: 10
SlackChannelID: your channel id
MonitorText: <html
HTTPUserAgent: UptimeBot/1.0
SlowWarningLimit: 3000
RepeatNotificationDelay: 20
- SlackBotToken: your token
ScanFrequency: 10
SlackChannelID: your channel id
MonitorText: Welcome
HTTPUserAgent: UptimeBot/1.0
SlowWarningLimit: 6000
RepeatNotificationDelay: 20
It is possible to set the same token and same channel, or same token different channel or different token and different channel in any combination
Note: The HTTPUserAgent not required, if not set it will defult to GolangUptimeBot/1.0
as of now
ctrl + c
make build
make run
make run-background
make run-test
The run-background
will start the application (on linux and mac) in the backgound.
You can kill your application if it is running in the background as follows:
ps -ax | grep upclient
Look from the process ID from the output:
77193 pts/0 Sl 0:00 ./upclient
77312 pts/0 S+ 0:00 grep --color=auto upclient
Look for the one without the grep and copy the id
kill 77193
Application killed
- Report with daily maximum, minimum and avarage page loads, number of outages once a day
- Database support to save report
- Sending out the daily report to slack as well