
MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) blog app with Chakra UI and Redux.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) blog app with Chakra UI and Redux.

This project was my first experience of MERN stack and Chakra UI. I learned a lot while doing it and had a lot of fun. I learned about Express, Node.js and MongoDB. I'll build better projects as soon as possible.

Hosted with Vercel & Heroku


📷 Screenshots and Demo GIF


Demo Gif
Demo Add

🗂️ Packages used in this project

Package (Frontend) Version
axios ^0.21.4
@chakra-ui/icons ^1.0.15
@chakra-ui/modal ^1.9.1
@chakra-ui/react ^1.6.9
eslint ^7.32.0
moment ^2.29.1
prettier ^2.4.1
react-copy-to-clipboard ^5.0.4
react-file-base64 ^1.0.3
react-hook-form ^6.13.1
react-redux ^7.2.2
react-toastify ^5.1.0
redux ^4.0.5
redux-thunk ^2.3.0
Package (Backend) Version
cors ^2.8.5
dotenv ^10.0.0
express ^4.17.1
mongoose ^6.0.9