
Built my personal website with React.js, SASS and React-Query.

Primary LanguageSCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Welcome GIF

ogulcaneristi.dev - v2

The second version of ogulcaneristi.dev. I used React Query for data fetching and error handling. I experienced that we can fetch data very simple. I was able to handle the errors that may occur during data fetching and show them to the user with parameters such as loading, error.

Built with React.js v17 and SASS

Hosted with Vercel



🗂️ Packages used in this project

Package Version
axios ^0.21.4
react-copy-to-clipboard ^5.0.4
react-icons ^4.2.0
react-query ^3.21.1
react-reveal ^1.2.2
react-useanimations ^2.0.8
react-scroll ^1.8.4
prettier ^2.4.0
sass ^1.39.0

🛠 Installation

  1. Install deps with NPM or Yarn:
npm install


yarn install
  1. In the project directory, run the development server:
npm run start


yarn start

🚀 Build and Run for Production

  1. Generate full static build for production:
npm run build


yarn build
  1. To preview the site as it'll appear after deployed:
npm run serve


yarn serve