SMB Audit Tool you were looking for

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

SMBAT - Finally the AIO SMB Tool

SMBAT merges the features implemented for SMBSR (find secrets in shares) and RSMBI (assess the RW permission that a user has among all the target shares). Using the -mode parameter it is possible to run SMBAT as SMBSR,RSMBI or as full power SMBSR/RSMBI. As its "parents", this tool works in two phases:

  • Enumeration: basing on the target (CIDR, Computer Objects from AD, IP list, ...), SMBAT uses the provided credentials to enumerate the available shares and build a dictionary of target (server:list(shares)). For this pysmb library is used
  • Action: Basing on the -mode parameter SMBAT starts to carry out its main duties, during this phases the SMB shares are mounted in a temp folder and accessed "locally", finally those are unmounted and deleted.

Results are saved in a sqlite database but also exported in CSV.


SMBSR considers someting interesting basing on its:

  • Content
  • Exstension
  • Name

The interesting keywords the tool should look for are defined via the command line as well as:

  • File extension blacklist
  • Shares blacklist
  • Folder blacklist (Watch out, also subfolders are gone)
  • Number of Threads
  • Should i masscan or not?
  • Interesting file extensions (I guess something like ppk, kdbx, ...)
  • Maximum file size (Bytes) allowed to be checked (Believe me, too big might take some time)
  • Should i export the results in two nice CSV files?
  • How deep should i look into subfolders?
  • Wordlist of regular expression to match
  • Domain Controller IP for ldap bind
  • Other common ones and required

The database containes one table for all the matches called smbsr, made of the following columns:

  • file
  • share
  • ip
  • position
  • matchedWith
  • Creation Date
  • Last Modified Date
  • Last Accessed Date
  • First Time found date
  • Last Time Found Date
  • runTag of the session
  • Extract of the text matched (25 chars before and after the interesting match)
  • Clickable finding to manually check the result

And also another table for the interesting file list containing the following columns:

  • file
  • share
  • ip
  • Creation Date
  • Last Modified Date
  • Last Accessed Date
  • First Time found date
  • Last Time Found Date
  • runTag of the session
  • Clickable finding to manually check the result

File Supported

SMBSR learned how to read:

  • .csv via python builtins
  • .doc via antiword
  • .docx via python-docx2txt
  • .eml via python builtins
  • .epub via ebooklib
  • .gif via tesseract-ocr
  • .jpg and .jpeg via tesseract-ocr
  • .json via python builtins
  • .html and .htm via beautifulsoup4
  • .mp3 via sox, SpeechRecognition, and pocketsphinx
  • .msg via msg-extractor
  • .odt via python builtins
  • .ogg via sox, SpeechRecognition, and pocketsphinx
  • .pdf via pdftotext (default) or pdfminer* .six
  • .png via tesseract-ocr
  • .pptx via python-pptx
  • .ps via ps2text
  • .rtf via unrtf
  • .tiff and .tif via tesseract-ocr
  • .txt via python builtins
  • .wav via SpeechRecognition and pocketsphinx
  • .xlsx via xlrd
  • .xls via xlrd


As the last update SMBSR has been granted with the power of looking for secrets that match a given regular expression (see regulars.txt file containing some good examples to to match). Given this new super power i have also implemented a new script which given a wordlist it generates a list of regular expression which match the password patterns it found into the wordlist. Before printing out everything the list of regular expression is (sort -u)-ed. The script can be optimized in case the pattern presents for example two or more ascii_lower in a row, but it's not like that now.


RSMBI is a python tool that answers to the question: What are the writable shares in this big domain? RSMBI connect to each target and it mounts the available shares in the /tmp folder (but that can also be changed). Once the shares are successfully mounted, the threads (or the solo one) would start (os.)walking recursively all the folders, trying get a file handle with writing rights. If the handle is obtained successfully the UNC path of that file is saved within the database (this time also in a clickable format). Once a share is fully analyzed, the folder is unmounted (gracefully or lazily). Results are saved in a sqlite database and also exported in a nice CSV.

Accepted input targets are:

  • UNC patchs
  • CIDR
  • IP address(es)
  • Computer Objects from LDAP, RSMBI retrieves that for you

The -username and -password passed via the command line are used by RSMBI to enumerate shares using pysmb and for retrieving the list of computer objects from Active Directory via LDAP protocol. The content of the smbcreds file (needed for the mount) must be as following:



For instance from the project folder:

sudo python3 smbat.py -username $username -password $password -domain ciaogrande.local -smbcreds /tmp/smbcreds -csv -debug  -mode both -wordlist keywords.txt -uncpaths uncpaths.txt -file-interesting ppk,kdbx,pfx -multithread -T 30

Help message also contains some guidelines:

usage: smbat.py [-h] [-username USERNAME] [-password PASSWORD] [-domain DOMAIN] [-fake-hostname FAKE_HOSTNAME] [-multithread] [-logfile LOGFILE] [-dbfile DBFILE]
                [-share-black SHARE_BLACK] [-local-path LOCAL_PATH] [-debug] [-target TARGET] [-target-list TARGET_LIST] [-tag TAG] [-ldap] [-dc-ip DC_IP] [-T T]
                [-masscan] [-smbcreds SMBCREDS] [-uncpaths UNCPATHS] [-csv] [-mode MODE] [-regulars REGULARS] [-wordlist WORDLIST] [-hits HITS]
                [-file-interesting FILE_INTERESTING] [-max-size MAX_SIZE] [-file-extensions-black FILE_EXTENSIONS_BLACK] [-regular-exp REGULAR_EXP]

SMB @udit Tool

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -username USERNAME    Username for authenticated scan
  -password PASSWORD    Password for authenticated scan
  -domain DOMAIN        Domain for authenticated scan, please use FQDN
  -fake-hostname FAKE_HOSTNAME
                        Computer hostname SMB connection will be from
  -multithread          Assign a thread to any share to check
  -logfile LOGFILE      Log file path
  -dbfile DBFILE        DB file path
  -share-black SHARE_BLACK
                        Blacklist of shares
  -local-path LOCAL_PATH
                        Path to folder where to mount the shares, default set to /tmp
  -debug                Verbose logging debug mode on
  -target TARGET        IP address, CIDR or hostname
  -target-list TARGET_LIST
                        Path to file containing a list of targets
  -tag TAG              Label the run
  -ldap                 Query LDAP to retrieve the list of computer objects in a given domain
  -dc-ip DC_IP          DC IP of the domain you want to retrieve computer objects from
  -T T                  Define the number of thread to use, default set to 10
  -masscan              Scan for 445 before trying to analyze the target
  -smbcreds SMBCREDS    Path to the file containing the SMB credential
  -uncpaths UNCPATHS    Path to the file containing the list of UNCPATHS you want to scan
  -csv                  Export results to CSV files in the project folder
  -mode MODE            Choose between SMBSR,RSMBI and Both
  -regulars REGULARS    File containing regex expression to match [SMBSR]
  -wordlist WORDLIST    File containing the string to look for [SMBSR]
  -hits HITS            Max findings per file [SMBSR]
  -file-interesting FILE_INTERESTING
                        Comma separated file extensions you want to be notified about [SMBSR]
  -max-size MAX_SIZE    Maximum size of the file to be considered for scanning (bytes) [SMBSR]
  -file-extensions-black FILE_EXTENSIONS_BLACK
                        Comma separated file extensions to skip while secrets harvesting [SMBSR]
  -regular-exp REGULAR_EXP
                        File containing regex expression to match [SMBSR]


  • Everyone who is going to help out finding issues and improving the tool
  • Retrospected: For helping out every Friday with debugging the code and brainstorming on new features