Caffe fork that supports Faster R-CNN, forked from BLVC/caffe on June 27th, 2015.
- Download a VS 2013 solution (Onedrive, DropBox, BaiduYun) which include some related libraries.
- Copy all files in this repo to .\caffe in the solution.
- Prepare external libraries of OpenCV/Boost/MKL. Refer to the links below:
- Switch the configuration to “Release_Mex” for compiling mex for MATLAB interface.
- In the VS solution, modify “Include Directories” and “Library Directories” to point to your external libraries.
- Set “Caffe” project as startup project.
- Rebuild the entire solution.
- Copy all files in .\x64\Release_Mex to faster_rcnn-master\external\caffe\matlab\caffe_faster_rcnn.
- If not using VS 2013, you need to re-build the solution in .\Library\leveldb. Then copy the built leveldb.lib to .\x64\Release_Mex.
- If you are not using OpenCV 2.4.9, copy the corresponding opencv dll files to .\x64\Release_Mex.