
Walk through the deployment of a flask web application (activity tracker) onto a baseline Ubuntu OS hosted on Amazon Lightsail


The following is an overview of one possible procedure for the deployment of a flask web application onto a baseline Ubuntu OS, hosted on Amazon Lightsail. A sample application is hosted online for the time being, but I may take it off to avoid the monthly Amazon lightsail costs. (Sorry, its not pretty, it was just demonstrating CRUD functionality on Flask).

Project Access Details

  1. IP Adress:, Port: 2200
  2. Complete url: http://ec2-54-157-225-246.compute-1.amazonaws.com

Project Overview

Configuration Changes

  • The ssh port was changed from 22 to 2200.
  • Password authentication was disabled, securing the server by only allowing key based authentication.
  • A firewall was setup.
  • A user named 'grader' with sudo permission was created.
  • A user named catalog was created for the purpose of connecting to the postgresql database.
  • The timezone was changed.
  • A flask application was imported and configured to run on a postgresql database (named catalog).
  • Note: The above project was isolated from its the rest of the Ubuntu OS by means of 'virtualenv'.

Software Installed

  • Postgresql
  • Flask Micro Web App Framework
  • My Activity Tracker
  • Git was installed, in order to clone my repo


I made use of stackoverflow and various online forum threads for assistance and insight. In general, topics (too many links to include) where the forums were useful included:

  • 'tail' for troubleshooting with apache2 logs
  • chaging the path on client_secrets.json
  • installing packages outside of the virtual environment
  • changing from sqlite to postgresql (username, password, database all named the same)

In particular, the following were useful: