
Everything (some random goofball on the Internet thinks) the Tk theme clam should be.

Primary LanguageTcl

This is the core Ttk theme 'clam' hacked up to look closer to the way I, personally, want it. This means somewhat red-shifted, in particular with text rendered black-on-#fef1e1, and with serif fonts where possible without changing TkDefaultFont. This still lets plenty of uses of TkDefaultFont slip through; for the full experience, try the following in ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf:


With the demo code at https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/List+of+ttk+Themes (bundled here as demottk.tcl, plumbed up to make test) you should see something like:

demo screenshot

Unthemed widgets (in particular [text] and [canvas]) will still be black-on- white by default without further configuration. I recommend something like the following in ~/.Xresources (or otherwise added to the resource database):

*TkTheme: oyster
*background: #fef1e1

This will of course also affect many Xt and motif applications; I consider that a feature.