the third party codes and utilities used in projects

###party codes dependence

  1. curl
  2. libuv
  3. zf_log
  4. jsoncpp
  5. sqlit3
  6. protobuf
  7. breakpad
  8. gtest

###interface for c++

  1. IHttpRequest.h
  2. ILog.h
  3. json.h

###interface for j/o

  1. gearbox_log
  2. async_loop
  3. callback_i64str, need to be implement in j/o

this should be a sub folder in clent project, I will modify USNIT as as sample

  1. add gearsbox to clent, in root of client directory run the command below

    git submodule add gearsbox

update the submodule of gearsbox

cd gearsbox
git submodule init
git submodule update

git submodule add deps/djinni
git submodule add deps/gyp
cd deps/gyp
git checkout -q 0bb67471bca068996e15b56738fa4824dfa19de0
  1. protobuf as ui config create .proto file, genrate protco c++ and python code, used pyton to write binary like config, read by c++.
    gearsbox use protobuf as ui config, let me think about that may be make a probability to build ui by server. current version is protobuf-3.0.0-beta-3, compiler and tester code were detele

  2. create client.djinni, client.gyp, in clent

    #generate the bridge code and project make ios_proj make android_proj

  3. create client.xcworkspace in ios open client.xcworkspace, add client.xcodeproj

  4. create ios applicaton project, and add to the xcworkspace build and test

  5. create a android studio project in android/usnit use gradle-experimental builed use cmakelist to build ndk config build.gradle, app/build.gradle gradle/wrapper/ build and test

  6. make


.####more infomation about android gradle build