
A demo for Zephyr RTOS to shows how to using a custom TTF Font with CFB sub-system to prints text on a small OLED screen.

Primary LanguageC



A demo for Zephyr RTOS to shows how to using a custom TTF Font with CFB sub-system to prints text on a small OLED screen.


Set the environment variable GCC_ARM_HOME to the directory of your GCC embedded tool-chain or you can change CMakeLists.txt directly.

  • A STM32F103C8T6 based "Black Pill" or "Blue Pill" development board.
  • A small OLED screen with SSD1306 SPI driver.

Getting Started

west build -b stm32_min_dev_black
west flash


west build -b stm32_min_dev_blue
west flash
