This project was created with React Native and Expo in order to learn the basics of React Native.

It allows user to create an account and sign in. Once user is signed, he/she will be able to create some notes. Each note is reprensented as a tile and can be edited, added to favorites, duplicated or deleted. By a long press on a note, user can see some actions: delete, add to favorite and edit

Project is using firebase auth and realtime database to store the notes.


  • React native
  • Typescript
  • React Native Material
  • Redux / RTK
  • Redux persist
  • Firebase (basic implementation)

Instructions to run the app on an emulator and/or a mobile device:

  • clone the repo
  • cd into root of the project
  • run npm install or yarn install
  • npm start or export start to start project

Please note, project for now only supports Android

Enjoy !!!