
A java developed r/place alternative.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

English | 中文


yet another r/place

What is Place? it is a multi-person mash drawing board where each person can only draw one pixel over a period of time. See

Reddit r/place
哔哩哔哩 夏日绘板


Note: The project uses virtual threads and has not been officially released yet so Please add the parameter -enable-preview at startup.

such as java --enable-preview -jar app.jar

Minimum runtime requirements

  • Java Version >= 19

Minimal dependency run

The minimal run does not require any external dependencies (Redis/MySQL) to run. Just download the GitHub release jar

Then run java --enable-preview -jar filename in console

java --enable-preview -jar app.jar

By default, a canvas of 1000x1000 pixels will be initialized

If you want to configure the canvas size, backup rate and other parameters you can use a custom configuration file.

Start with a custom configuration file

java --enable-preview -jar app.jar --spring.config.location=. /config.yml


The application will try to connect to Redis when it starts, and if it doesn't connect, it will use a built-in data type like HashMap / byte[] instead.

The current canvas information will be backed up every 5 minutes to the image_bitmap_backup.bin file in the runtime path, which will be loaded automatically at startup.

This file will also be backed up when the application is closed normally.

Note: Dependency-free runtime uses SQLite and HashMap to store relevant information, suitable for scenarios that do not require high performance.

Initialize canvas (optional)

The canvas can be initialized manually from an image by HTTP POST http://localhost:8080/init?token=cb2f4c23-5bfb-485c-aa65-e5873f279bab to initialize it from the app.init-image value in the configuration file. value in the configuration file, which defaults to dd.png.

Initializing the canvas requires a token, which is in the app.token of the configuration file, and The default is to randomly generate an uuid

Note: If the image size is different from the configured canvas size it will be automatically scaled to the canvas size.

Use Redis and MySQL (optional)

Redis connects to localhost:6379 by default
No configuration is required to use Redis, just start a Redis server.

MyQSL connects to localhost:3306 by default
Using MyQSL requires changing the spring.datasource.url in the configuration file to jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/app?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true

Configuration of the application

For the full configuration file see application.yml

  width: 1000 # canvas width
  height: 1000 # canvas height
  backup-rate: 300 # backup rate in seconds
  init-image: ". /init.png" # initial image path
  token: "cb2f4c23-5bfb-485c-aa65-e5873f279bab" # token for operation that requires authentication


Graalvm Native Image

This project now supports building Native images using Graalvm, which runs without installing the JDK. The build steps are also very simple, just run the following command on the platform.

. /gradlew nativeImage


Package . /gradlew bootJar

MQService.java is a message queue interface.
MemMQService.java and RedisMQService.java implements a message queue using a HashMap-based message queue, and a Redis-based message queue, respectively.

PlaceRepository.java is an interface that stores the current canvas MemPlaceRepo.java and RedisPlaceRepo.java implements a canvas using byte[], and a canvas based on Redis, respectively.


api see api.http

### init canvas
POST http://localhost:8080/init

### put a pixel
PUT http://localhost:8080/pixels
Content-Type: application/json

"x": 50,
"y": 50,
"color": [255,0,0,255]

### get all pixels
GET http://localhost:8080/pixels/all

### sse pixel
GET http://localhost:8080/time

How I Built Place Again

The project architecture is referenced in a Reddit article How We Built r/Place
Some technical details are different.

is not the same

  1. WebSocket -> Server-Sent Events because SSE is easier to develop compared to WS. 2.
  2. rate limiting is achieved by using memory/Redis instead of checking database

Technical details of this application

  • Use byte[] or Redis to store current canvas pixel information
  • Each pixel operation is stored to a database (SQLite/MySQL)
  • Rate limiting using Redis or HashMap .
  • Push new pixels to the client using SSE


  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Data JPA
  • Spring Data Redis
  • SQLite / MySQL


Use the following three major frameworks, mainly using the Canvas API.

  • Vanilla JS
  • Vanilla CSS
  • Vanilla HTML