
I admit it in 2020 is really tough year for us because of pandemic and this resp just for fun reminder from my self...when i try to start learn html and css from zero after I finished my previous project of Excel VBA Point of Sale(and seems like the prospect of excel vba is not good as it is),

Primary LanguageHTML


I admit it in 2020 is really tough year for us because of pandemic and this resp just for fun reminder for my self...when i try to start learn html and css from zero after I finished my previous project of Excel VBA Point of Sale(and seems like the prospect of excel vba is not good as it is),

I think after finishing Excel vba Project, I just Addicted to code and became self taught programmer.... the philosophy I apply to learn coding for this decade is, "Just dont being a programmer,.....be a Problem Solver"

#still Learn

I had no Formal Education background of IT btw Back then When in College my Major is Financial Management of Padjadjaran University Indonesia

I think I found some part of myself who already lost few years ago in Programming World Right Now I Interest to learn node js, Expressjs, and React....thanks to God I already had some Project to work with

My Story After Several Years Passed

Is in the edge of 2022 right now when I wrote this text, almost next two weeks will reach the beginning 0f 2023, many project Came to me as Software Engineer from zero to Hero Right now I maintained several company as a freelancer also as hired Software engineer for both Microsoft Excel VBA and WebApps Developer . Everythings Can Happen in the future, I remember back then 8 years ago when I almost graduate from college, my friends of mine tell me that "is such a waste of time to doing a computer programming work , many programmers was hired with a bad Incentive but doing A big task and several programers don't have any good futures life"

But my Life Story tell otherwise , after several years I spent to do small Management Consultant business for several business in Indonesia, Covid19 change everything for everything I do for my daily activity since that I did Computer Programming as an Hobby , and Now I doing Computer Programming as a Profesional Career.

Moral lessons

Moral Lesson is

Just Do Whatever You Love in this Lifetime, Don't Always listen what others peoples said about something,someone or anything... , because sometimes what bad in the eyes of others people perception, doesn't mean is bad for you too.

About This Repo

This Repo is just reminder for myself also for others who will try to start a career as a software or web developer, several years ago , when I just an ordinary Management Graduated I asked my friend of mine who already being a Senior Software Engineer in Indonesia , just

How to Connecting between CSS and HTML ? 😂😂😂 .

and he refuse to answer it , so that's why I put other files in a form html and CSS , that file is exactly the same file i used when try to learn coding again ,Time goes by So fast, ✨ THANKS TO GOD ✨ and also thanks for many content creator on youtube who provide me coding class and course.So Imagine from the Person who really cannot understand how to connect html, and css right now I at least I understand about:

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Vanilla Javascript

  • Jquery

  • Nodejs

  • PHP

  • C#

  • Database: Mysql,mariadb,mongodb,postgresql,Microsoft SQL Server

  • Reactjs

  • VueJS

  • EJS

  • Laravel

  • Codeigniter 4

  • Blade template engine and also several Software architect concept in a form Monolitic and microservices, also now I still learn about CI-CD pipeline using github workflows and Azure Devops.... And also I developed my own email server actually in google cloud console, using NGINX,Roundcube.... and still learning more

    Moral lessons

DO WHAT YOUR LOVE,No Matters what Others Peoples Said, Just Believe in yourself ,and YOU CAN DO IT !!!

Moral lessons