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- aepyornis
- akosednarUSA
- alexgleason@soapbox-pub
- animanoirMexico
- atomoticatomotic.com
- bencomp@LeidenUniversityLibrary
- BitBaronhttps://archive-it.org
- csuSan Francisco, CA
- DanielOaksBrisbane, Australia
- dremeikaVilnius, Lithuania
- edapberlin
- fernandogrdMoises
- FlushotOpendoor
- garryingToronto
- GedRap@heap
- georgebohnischHouston, TX
- gojomohttp://xavvy.com
- ianmilligan1University of Waterloo
- ikreymer@webrecorder @oldweb-today
- jarmitageAfhverju Ekki
- jchookZinc Innovations, LLC
- josephbreihanMontréal, Québec, Canada
- julescarbon
- machawk1Media, Pennsylvania
- mathisonian@uwdata
- mietek
- muffinista
- nylkixymatic
- pixelandpenGeotab
- psd@communitiesuk, @digital-land
- raffazizziMaryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities
- rameshvarun
- ruebot@yorkulibraries
- technikerFrachtwerk GmbH
- th0ma5w
- VaughnGHSan Diego