[abandoned] Golang isomorphic react/hot reloadable/redux/css-modules/SSR starter kit
- 5
Update Hot-reloading
#99 opened by xeoncross - 4
How does this work?
#98 opened by jakelacey2012 - 0
Question: Any interest in putting together a premium version for sale on SugarKubes?
#100 opened by wrannaman - 10
Cannot Import Absolute Path
#57 opened by siegesmund - 7
Support for react 16
#95 opened - 4
Question: Why echo ? How about today ?
#96 opened by ferhatelmas - 3
Stopped rendering server side
#77 opened by preppypiet - 1
Makefile commands are launched separately
#94 opened by leanderme - 2
- 4
replace hot-proxy.js with webpack-dev-server
#75 opened by tracker1 - 0
Event loop implementation / error handling
#92 opened by nazwa - 3
Server remains in background on exit
#84 opened by nazwa - 4
SSR and store changes
#71 opened by tanis2000 - 7
Errors during first request of development server
#73 opened by nanno77 - 1
import css not work?
#91 opened by zhangmaku - 1
How to make redux-devtools work?
#88 opened by zhangmaku - 0
Static files gzip compression?
#87 opened by iKonrad - 5
- 1
Disable SSR
#83 opened by leanderme - 1
deprecated autoprefixer-loader
#51 opened by abh - 2
install fails using standard install
#80 opened by joeblew99 - 2
How to render a specific page on the server?
#78 opened by iKonrad - 1
How to pass headers to the goja VM?
#76 opened by iKonrad - 0
Resolving promises in onEnter()
#74 opened by tanis2000 - 2
Why are you skipping the first call to onEnter?
#70 opened by tanis2000 - 2
support for code splitting
#69 opened by fanky5g - 3
"panic recover interface conversion: interface is *errors.errorString, not string" when sending get request
#60 opened by kuzemkon - 1
- 1
Ignore go build failure in makefile
#48 opened by dfilipovic39 - 8
update echo web framework
#54 opened by 0xp3p3 - 3
- 3
Setup Instructions Not Working
#67 opened by epalaima - 0
Migrate to glide package management tool
#63 opened by olebedev - 8
Store not getting set on client side during SSR
#52 opened by ijsnow - 3
command "make serve" is failed.
#53 opened by 0xp3p3 - 1
#61 opened by cking - 1
Deploy to openshift host
#59 opened by TaiPhamD - 5
Doesn't work with React 15.0
#47 opened by valerius257 - 1
- 4
- 2
Install Not Working - Echo
#44 opened by u382514 - 1
cannot import absolute path
#43 opened by wenxingxing2011 - 0
Add swagger description generator
#37 opened by olebedev - 5
- 1
Devtools update
#28 opened by olebedev - 12
Can't get it to boot
#36 opened by mayeaux - 4
- 2
local import "./server" in non-local package
#30 opened by Kielan - 9
#27 opened by magj2006 - 0
Add open license
#29 opened by bep