
Vagabond Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Team 5

Welcome WDI 13


App Overview


When the user enters the site, they should see a greeting page.

Reach Goals

  • So Many

Final Ice-box

  • Wow -cool

Technologies used

  • Heroku - website hosting
  • Git - Source Control Management
  • Node - js runtime for development
  • NPM - package manager
  • Ruby on Rails - backend web framework
  • ActiveRecord - async DB handler
  • React - view handler
  • React-Redux-Router - view router
  • Redux - view state handling
  • dotenv - loads environment variables, such as the DB
  • trello - user story tracking
  • figma - wire-framing
  • vs code - text editor of choice
  • imgur - image hosting
  • youtube - video/music hosting

Approach taken

  • Did all the things

Unsolved problems

  • Heat-death of the universe

Notes to yourself


WDI13 Project 3.5