
Project Description

This is an Atlanta Cyclist Social app where users can create a profile a post their favorite ride and the bikes they own. This is to allow other users to see other profiles and see nearby mountain bike trails or road routes that people commonly go on. Users can rate their experience for the ride and post their times. This will allow users to compete with each other.

link to app

link to Trello

link to WireFrame;mockups#Hpittsblake%2Fatlanta-rides%2Fmaster%2FUntitled%20Diagram.xml

link to ERD

Libraries Used

- Express
- React
- Node.Js
- Mongo DB
- Mongoose
- Material UI
- JavaScript

Project 2.0

I would like to add the ability for users to edit an existing ride, right now they can only delete and create a new one. I would also like user's to have the ability to post a link to directions on how to get to the ride and also a map. I would also like to make this more mobile friendly and update the style on the pages. There also needs to be a login page instead of a user page listing names of users. Then on a user's profile, user's could have the ability to follow friends that they want to connect with.