
Building a simple shopping cart e-commerce site using React Hooks | Redux| Firebase | StripeAPI

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Description

The static version of the app is deployed at https://olee2002.github.io/e-commerce/. This is an e-commerce project to build a simple shopping cart app that is connected to stripe and google auth api.

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Available Scripts

Make sure to add firebase config profile to src/firebase/firebase.utils.js (You have to create your own profile on firebase in order to run this app.)

   apiKey: "AIza......yPcXg",
   authDomain: "shopping-cart-2479c.firebaseapp.com",
   databaseURL: "https://shopping-cart-2479c.firebaseio.com",
   projectId: "shopping-cart-2479c",
   storageBucket: "shopping-cart-2479c.appspot.com",
   messagingSenderId: "630143016029",
   appId: "1:630143016029:web:16d38f1604356f807ac1b4",
   measurementId: "G-9S5S9ZKGVG"

In the project directory, you can run:

yarn start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.