
Reactive UI with Vanilla JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Reactive UI with Vanilla JavaScript 🚀

🤔Can you build reactive UI without any JavaScript framework by using only Vanilla JS? Yes, you can 💪! Please check the demo and the code of the simple cars shop with shopping cart and search functionality. It rerenders the UI after the state is changed without usage of any framework, just plain JS.

How to run code?

To run a code, please run in your terminal npm run start. Webpack (a module bundler) will prepare dev build in /dist folder, and then the webpack-dev-server will launch the project in your browser at the address http://localhost:9000/. If any changes will be applied to the source code, webpack-dev-server will compile the code automatically and will reload the project in the browser (hot reloading).

Build for production

To have a production build, please run npm run build at your terminal. In that case, the js, css assets will be minified, and all required files to run a project will be added to the /dist folder.


For testing JEST test runner is being used. The test spec for ShoppingBag component you can find at /src/tests directory. To run the tests, please run npm run test.