
secp256k1-zkp node package of MW.

Primary LanguageC


Build Status NPM

This library is under development, and, like the secp256k1-zkp C library it depends on, this is a research effort to determine an optimal API for end-users of the mimblewimble ecosystem.



npm install secp256k1-zkp


yarn add secp256k1-zkp




ZERO_8 : Buffer
ZERO_32 : Buffer
ZERO_64 : Buffer



create random sha256 Buffer


Takes any number (native number, BN, or string) and converts it to uInt64T (64-bit BE Buffer) suitable for use by the C++ bindings.


Kind: global class

new Secp(opts)

Param Type Default
opts Object
[opts.sign] boolean true
[opts.verify] boolean true

secp.secretKeyZero() ⇒ Buffer

Creates an zero secret key.

Kind: instance method of Secp

secp.secretKeyCreate(input) ⇒ Buffer

Creates a secret key.

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type
input Buffer | string

secp.secretKeyGenerate() ⇒ Buffer

Creates a new random secret key

Kind: instance method of Secp

secp.secretKeyVerify(key) ⇒ boolean

Verifies validity of a secret key.

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type
key Buffer

secp.secretKeyAdd(secretKey1, secretKey2) ⇒ Buffer

Adds two secretKeys to create a new secretKey

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type
secretKey1 Buffer
secretKey2 Buffer

secp.secretKeymul(secretKey1, secretKey2) ⇒ Buffer

Adds two secretKeys to create a new secretKey

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type
secretKey1 Buffer
secretKey2 Buffer

secp.pubKeyZero() ⇒ Buffer

Creates an invalid zero public key.

Kind: instance method of Secp

secp.pubKeyFromSecretKey(secretKey) ⇒ Buffer

Creates a new public key from a secret key.

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type
secretKey Buffer

secp.pubKeyFromAddingPubKeys(pubKeys) ⇒ Buffer

Creates a new public key from the sum of the public keys.

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type
pubKeys Array.<Buffer>

secp.pubKeyIsValid(pubKey) ⇒ boolean

Determine if a public key is valid.

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type
pubKey Buffer

secp.pubKeyIsZero(pubKey) ⇒ boolean

Determine if a public key is zero.

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type
pubKey Buffer

secp.pubKeySerialize(pubKey, [compress]) ⇒ Buffer

Serializes a public key.

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type Default
pubKey Buffer
[compress] boolean true

secp.pubKeyParse(buffer) ⇒ Buffer

Parses a public key.

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type
buffer Buffer

secp.keyPairGenerate() ⇒ Object

Generates a random keyPair. Convenience function for secretKeyGenerate and pubKeyFromSecretKey

Kind: instance method of Secp

secp.sign(msg, secretKey) ⇒ Buffer

Constructs a signature for msg using the secret key secretKey and RFC6979 nonce

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type
msg Buffer
secretKey Buffer

secp.verify(sig, msg, pubKey) ⇒ boolean

Checks that sig is a valid ECDSA signature for msg using the public key pubKey.

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type
sig Buffer
msg Buffer
pubKey Buffer

secp.signatureSerialize(sig) ⇒ Buffer

Serializes a signature.

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type
sig Buffer

secp.signatureParse(buffer) ⇒ Buffer

Parses a signature.

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type
buffer Buffer

secp.commit(value, [blind]) ⇒ Buffer

Creates a pedersen commitment from a value and a blinding factor

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type
value number
[blind] Buffer

secp.blindSwitch(value, blind) ⇒ Buffer

Computes blinding factor for switch commitment.

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type
value number
blind Buffer

secp.commitSum([positives], [negatives]) ⇒ Buffer

Computes the sum of multiple positive and negative pedersen commitments.

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type Default
[positives] Array.<Buffer> []
[negatives] Array.<Buffer> []

secp.verifyCommitSum([positives], [negatives]) ⇒ boolean

Taking arrays of positive and negative commitments as well as an expected excess, verifies that it all sums to zero.

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type Default
[positives] Array.<Buffer> []
[negatives] Array.<Buffer> []

secp.blindSum([positives], [negatives]) ⇒ Buffer

Computes the sum of multiple positive and negative blinding factors.

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type Default
[positives] Array.<Buffer> []
[negatives] Array.<Buffer> []

secp.commitmentToPubKey(commitment) ⇒ Buffer

Retrieves pubKey from commit.

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type
commitment Buffer

secp.commitmentSerialize(commitment) ⇒ Buffer

Serializes commitment.

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type
commitment Buffer

secp.commitmentParse(buffer) ⇒ Buffer

Parses a commitment.

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type
buffer Buffer

secp.verifyFromCommit(msg, sig, commitment) ⇒ boolean

Verify commitment.

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type
msg Buffer
sig Buffer
commitment Buffer

secp.bulletProofVerify(commitment, rangeProof, extraData) ⇒ boolean

Verify with bullet proof that a committed value is positive.

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type
commitment Buffer
rangeProof Buffer
extraData Buffer

secp.bulletProofVerifyMulti(commitments, rangeProofs, extraData) ⇒ boolean

Verify with bullet proof that a committed value is positive.

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type
commitments Buffer
rangeProofs Array.<Buffer>
extraData Buffer

secp.bulletProofCreate(amount, secretKey, nonce, extraData, [msg]) ⇒ Buffer

Create a bulletproof. The blinding factor for commitment should be secretKey.

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type Default
amount number
secretKey Buffer
nonce Buffer
extraData Buffer
[msg] Buffer Buffer.alloc(16, 0)

secp.bulletProofRewind(commitment, nonce, extraData, rangeProof) ⇒ Buffer

Rewind a rangeProof to retrieve the amount

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type
commitment number
nonce number
extraData number
rangeProof number

secp.aggsigCreateSecnonce() ⇒ Buffer

Creates a new secure nonce (as a SecretKey), guaranteed to be usable during aggsig creation.

Kind: instance method of Secp

secp.aggsigSignSingle(msg, secretKey, pubKeySum) ⇒ Buffer

Simple signature (nonce will be created).

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type
msg Buffer
secretKey Buffer
pubKeySum Buffer

secp.aggsigSignFromSecretKey(secretKey, msg, blindSum) ⇒ Buffer

Calculates a signature for msg given the secretKey and an optional blindSum

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type
secretKey Buffer
msg Buffer
blindSum Buffer

secp.aggsigCalculatePartialSig(secretKey, secNonce, nonceSum, pubKeySum, msg) ⇒ Buffer

Calculates a partial signature given the signer's secure key, the sum of all public nonces and (optionally) the sum of all public keys.

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type Description
secretKey Buffer The signer's secret key
secNonce Buffer The signer's secret nonce (the public version of which was added to the nonceSum total)
nonceSum Buffer The sum of the public nonces of all signers participating in the full signature. This value is encoded in e.
pubKeySum Buffer (Optional) The sum of the public keys of all signers participating in the full signature. If included, this value is encoded in e.
msg Buffer The message to sign.

secp.aggsigVerifySingle(sig, msg, pubNonce, pubKey, pubKeyTotal, extraPubKey, isPartial) ⇒ Buffer

Single-Signer (plain old Schnorr, sans-multisig) signature verification

Kind: instance method of Secp Returns: Buffer - - Signature on success

Param Type Description
sig Buffer The signature
msg Buffer the message to verify
pubNonce Buffer if not null overrides the public nonce used to calculate e
pubKey Buffer the public key
pubKeyTotal Buffer The total of all public keys (for the message in e)
extraPubKey Buffer if not null, subtract this pubKey from sG
isPartial boolean whether this is a partial sig, or a fully-combined sig

secp.aggsigVerifyPartialSig(sig, pubNonceSum, pubKey, pubKeySum, msg) ⇒ Buffer

Verifies a partial signature from a public key. All nonce and public key sum values must be identical to those provided in the call to [calculate_partial_sig].

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type Description
sig Buffer The signature to validate, created via a call to [calculate_partial_sig]
pubNonceSum Buffer The sum of the public nonces of all signers participating in the full signature. This value is encoded in e.
pubKey Buffer Corresponding Public Key of the private key used to sign the message.
pubKeySum Buffer (Optional) The sum of the public keys of all signers participating in the full signature. If included, this value is encoded in e.
msg Buffer The message to verify.

secp.aggsigVerifySingleFromCommit(sig, msg, commit) ⇒ Buffer

Simple verification a single signature from a commitment. The public key used to verify the signature is derived from the commit.

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type Description
sig Buffer The Signature to verify
msg Buffer The message to sign.
commit Buffer The commitment to verify. The actual public key used during verification is derived from this commit.

secp.aggsigVerifyCompletedSig(sig, pubKey, pubKeySum, msg) ⇒ Buffer

Verifies a completed (summed) signature, which must include the message and pubKey sum values that are used during signature creation time to create 'e'

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type Description
sig Buffer The Signature to verify
pubKey Buffer Corresponding Public Key of the private key used to sign the message.
pubKeySum Buffer (Optional) The sum of the public keys of all signers participating in the full signature. If included, this value is encoded in e. Must be the same value as when the signature was created to verify correctly.
msg Buffer The message to verify.

secp.aggsigAddSignatures(partSigs, nonceSum) ⇒ Buffer

Adds signatures

Kind: instance method of Secp

Param Type
partSigs Buffer
nonceSum Buffer

ZERO_8 : Buffer

Kind: global constant

ZERO_32 : Buffer

Kind: global constant

ZERO_64 : Buffer

Kind: global constant

sha256(v) ⇒ PromiseLike.<ArrayBuffer>

create random sha256 Buffer

Kind: global function

Param Type
v string

uInt64T(num) ⇒ Buffer

Takes any number (native number, BN, or string) and converts it to uInt64T (64-bit BE Buffer) suitable for use by the C++ bindings.

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
num number number to convert.