Habrahabr livesearch demo application

This is small proof-of-concept application, which implements live full text search by popular russian site habrahabr.ru.

The Reindexer in-memory DB is used as storage and full text search engine.

Current dataset contains about 5GB of data: 170K aricles with 6M commentaries.

The frontend for project is written with vue.js and located in repository

Build & install

  1. Install & build reindexers dependencies
  2. Install habr-search
    go get github.com/olegator77/habr-search


  1. Import (download) dataset from habrahabr.ru
    habr-search import -startid 1 -finishid 355000 -dumppath <path-to-store-data> -webrootpath <path to store images>

This step is very long, and can take about 8+ hours to download all data, and requires about 5GB of free disk space. You can reduce time and size by decrease ID range, e.g. set startid to 350000.

  1. Load imported data to Reindexer
habr-search load -dumppath <path-to-store-data> -webrootpath <path to store images>

This step takes about 5 minutes for all dataset

  1. Install and build frontend
  • Follow the instructions
  • Copy built fronened to webrootpath folder
  1. Run service
    habr-search run -dumppath <path-to-store-data> -webrootpath <path of webroot>

Open in your browser.