
Exif library for Android, based on jhead c library (http://www.sentex.net/~mwandel/jhead/)

Primary LanguageC


head is a command line driven program for manipulating the non-image parts of Exif flavour JPEG files that most digital cameras produce. Windows / Mac users: Jhead has no Graphical User Interface. Clicking on it with the mouse from Windows or Mac OS-X won't do anything for you - you have to use it from the Command prompt

How to use: This is android jni library.

-Compile it with android-ndk or take prebuild binary files in /libs/
-Put JHead.java to your project, edit const char *classPathName in exify_JHead.c
-Call JHead class, (example: jhead mi = new JHead(); Map<String, String> imageInfo = JHead.getImageInfo(filePath);)