

Primary LanguageCSS

Front End Training Process

Here we will keep all the practical achievements of the participants in SWAN FrontEnd training

Every day at 12.00 UA time - we will have a meeting where we can discuss plan for current day

Every day till 19.00 UA time - send update about what was achieved this day. Example:

  • implemented responsive menu - #(commit link)
  • read 30 pages of book #(name of book)
  • passed 40% of online course - #(name of course)
  • ...any other comments may work too. This is just examples

Every Friday we will do the summary review of past week

Front End Training Agenda

Each member will have separate branch in one repository(https://github.com/r0st1kuzh/swanfrontendtraining) where he will implement all his practical works. Each part of training should be included to the new folder named 1,2,3,4 accordingly.

Recommended literature you can find on following link: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B376ASG7x2DXfmFKSktxT043cWNFcFlJSVc3N3hoOUZxSV9HV0Fmb0VIeTViWkNwSWN6czA&usp=sharing

  1. CSS - 1 week Goal: implement the new SWAN landing page design. We will take the upcoming design of the SWAN new website and will start to implement it. What you will learn:
  • Basics of CSS
  • CSS3
  • Sass
  • SMACSS architecture
  • CSS grids
  • Responsive design fundamentals

Recommended video course: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqGj3iMvMa4KQZUkRjfwMmTq_f1fbxerI

  1. JavaScript - 1 week Goal: implementation of own idea using VanillaJS Each member of the team proposes his variant of simple enough application which he plans to implement in the scope of the week. We will be using VanillaJS (clean Javascript) What you will learn:
  • specifics of JavaScript language
  • syntax of Javascript
  • object-oriented JavaScript basics

Recommended online course: http://www.codecademy.com/en/tracks/javascript

  1. JQery - 3 days Goal: get familiar with JQuery - most widely used Javascript library which simplifies life in Javascript world Proposal: rewrite application from part 2 using Jquery What you will learn:
  • What is JQuery and how to use it
  • Get familiar with JQuery API docummentation. Just get used to use documentation: https://jquery.com/
  1. AngularJS - 1-2 weeks Goal: Develop single page application using AngularJS framework. What you will learn:
  • Angular JS approach. Declarative, not imperative
  • what application structure to choose
  • how to do single page routing in Angular applications
  • Angular Controllers and two-way data binding
  • how to get and proceed information from API (Services)
  • how to write Directives - custom reusable web components.
  • best practices in AngularJS development

Recommended course: http://campus.codeschool.com/courses/shaping-up-with-angular-js/