This project configured to use Truffle (not Hardhat). Also this project configured to use Alchemy (not Infura) to connect public blockchain.
Rename secrets_example.json to secrets.json , open in the text editor and replace mnemonic (password for key) and ApiKeys with your values. { "mnemonic": "back neck ...", "alchemyApiKeyRopsten": "ApV...", "alchemyApiKeyRinkeby": "lFZ..." }
If you want to use truffle develop then you have to install "ganache-cli" and run it before fire commands like "truffle migrate --network development", because ganache starts "network development"
Create contract in the /contracts folder and run "truffle compile" to compile it
If you want to deploy contract then create deploy script in the /migrations folder and run command line command "truffle migrate --network rinkeby" , where "rinkeby" is network name from truffle-config.js
If you need to use upgrades, then you MUST install truffle to the project(global install not enough), in other way you will get an error.
npm install --save-dev truffle npm install --save-dev @openzeppelin/truffle-upgrades
use truffle migrate --network "networkName" to deploy contract and proxy with specified network
truffle console --network "networkName" to interact with proxyContract
That article can also help you