
Event processing with Esper library

Primary LanguageC#


This project is created for education purpose. Model and test events processing.

.Net based solution

There is a web API that accepts signals and runs stream queries using NEsper library. Currently it support the following analytics query: calculate number of functional and failed signals grouped by location

API methods:

  1. Receive signal (POST). This can be ingested from another system, e.g. Logstash.
  2. Calculate failed and functional signals for all locations (GET).
  3. Get results by location, same as #2 but outputs results for one requested location.
  4. Reset aggregation for all locations to 0 (DELETE).
  5. Reset aggregation by location, same as #4 but limit aggregation reset by one location.

Signal schema:

  "id_sample": "95ggm", 	// item identifier
  "num_id": "fcc#wr995", 	// item serial number
  "id_location": "1564.9956", 	// location id, can be a name
  "id_signal_par": "0xvckkep",	// sensor generating signal
  "id_detected": "None", 	// status data (None), - functional, (Nan), - failed
  "id_class_det": "req44"	// failure type

EPL query used for aggregation:

select id_location, id_detected, count(*)
from SignalEvent#time_batch(2 sec)
group by id_location, id_detected

It collects events during 2 seconds time interval and then provides results to the aggregation listener. Results are grouped by location and status (id_detected).


There is also a console app to test the API: EventSource project. Update configuration (appsettings.json) and run the app to post sample events to API:

  "ApiEndpoint": "http://localhost:5000/api/signalevent",
  "locations": "3211.2334, bowen,kurashiki, 98444561, 11000101,42,nowhere, 129.6481",
  "eventsToSend": 20

It posts random events using configuration from that json file. I did the following test on my laptop:

  • Sent events using the configuration above, but changed eventsToSend to 100,000.
    • It took about 15-20 seconds to post them all
  • Sent Get request to check aggregations straight after that
    • Verified that total events number is equal to 100,000.

Once the API receives events and processes them it can return processing results like this (see API method #2):

        "id_location": "11000101",
        "functional": 6398,
        "failed": 6281
        "id_location": "bowen",
        "functional": 6236,
        "failed": 6244
