This is a repository that accompanies my "A practical guide for better-looking python code" on Medium.
In this article I describe how one can set up a continuous integration / continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline using GitHub. This text is inspired by two sources:
First one is "Nine simple steps for better-looking python code" by Vladimir Iglovikov. He gives the keys to better coding practices with CI/CD systems as its core. It is a great article and I wrote mine following the steps outlined there. So, "A practical guide for better-looking python code" is an accompanying/practical guide to Vladimir’s text. I advice you to go through the "Nine steps" for an overview of various approaches, although "A practical guide" could be read independently.
Second source is more subtle, and it is Joel Grus’ Ten Essays on Fizz Buzz where he describes ways to solve the Fizz Buzz coding exercise. While it provides the 10 solutions, it is more a discussion on Python, Maths, Testing and Coding. And if you don’t know Joel Grus, check out his presentation about his everalasting love towards Jupyter Notebooks.
I would like to thank
- Andrew Lukyanenko for his help with configuring GitHub actions
- Vladimir Iglovikov for his article and his investment into openness and development of the whole Data Science community.
- Open Data Science community ( as the source of inspiration.