
🐳 Docker lightweight Let's Encrypt container image

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT



Now I suggest you to use lego in a container instead of this repo.


Docker lightweight letsencrypt image with build and run interactive scripts using docker-shell. Can be used to issue free TLS (SSL) certificates with letsencrypt without the need to stop web server during certificates reissue (expected web server is nginx). Uses cool tiny python scipt for updating certificates via letsencrypt from Daniel Roesler. Repository also contains shell script to issue SSL certificates with letsencrypt (to be run on the host machine via cron).


Build using:


Run using:


Scripts will ask you for all details before running actual commands and will print what it's going to run. After you've created one or several containers for your domains using run.sh, setup cron:

# Time should be unique for each domain to avoid kind of race conditions during nginx restart
#m  h    dom    mon   dow   user    command
0   0    1      */2   *     root    /usr/src/docker-letsencrypt/tls-reissue-and-apply.sh domain.com letsencrypt-domain-com
1   0    1      */2   *     root    /usr/src/docker-letsencrypt/tls-reissue-and-apply.sh otherdomain.org letsencrypt-otherdomain-org

tls-reissue-and-apply.sh runs tls-reissue.sh and tls-apply-to-nginx.sh. Those two scripts were separated to make it easy to update TLSA record in DNS, let it propagate and only then install new TLS certificates to nginx.

tls-reissue.sh backups current certificates, tries to generate new ones in a temporary directory and saves the result.

tls-apply-to-nginx.sh moves certificates to main dir if according to record previous generation was successful. Nginx is then started in configcheck mode to test if configuration is ok to restart nginx. If everything is ok, nginx is restarted. If nginx configuration test fails, old certitificates are copied back to main dir. You will recieve email in case of an error (cron will send it if you set up everything).

Nginx config:

Best way is to setup a separate snippet to be included in all your websites' server configuration sections. E.g. having /etc/nginx/snippets/letsencrypt.conf:

location /.well-known/acme-challenge {
    alias /docker/letsencrypt/acme-challenge/;
    auth_basic off;
    default_type "text/plain";

and including it using

server {
    listen *:80;
    # in case your server is accessible via ipv6
    listen [::]:80;

    server_name domain.com;
    # here comes the include directive
    include snippets/letsencrypt.conf;

    location / {
      return 302 https://$server_name$request_uri;