
Minimal project template for Node.js and TypeScript

Primary LanguageTypeScript



npm init --force
npm install typescript --save-dev
npm install typings --save-dev
.\node_modules\.bin\typings install dt~node --global --save

Create or update:

  • tsconfig.json allows running tsc to build all TypeScript files.
  • package.json contains npm module dependencies and scripts.
  • typings.json contains TypeScript typing definition dependencies.
  • .gitignore prevents Git from storing intermediate files produced by build.
  • .vscode/tasks.json define VS Code build task.
  • .vscode/launch.json defines VS Code launch task.
  • src\program.ts is the application entry point.


git clone https://github.com/olegsych/template.nodets.git
cd template.nodets
npm install

How it works:

  • The npm install command installs module dependencies and runs the install script defined in the package.json.
  • The install script invokes runs the typings install command from the typings module restored by npm.
  • The typings install command installs TypeScript definitions defined in the typings.json.


  • VS Code: Ctrl+Shift+B
  • Shell: npm run build

How it works:

  • npm runs the build script defined in package.json to invoke the tsc command from the typescript module.
  • tsc looks for tsconfig.json in the current directory and uses
    • outDir property to make tsc generate .js files in the build subfolder,
    • sourceMaps to generate .js.map along with them.


Shell: node build/program.js

How it works:

  • tsc compiles src/program.ts to build/program.js based on the tsconfig.json settings
  • node runs the JavaScript in index.js


VS Code: F5

How it works:

  • .vsconfig/launch.json defines Launch configuration
    • program property to indicate which .ts file contains the application entry point,
    • sourceMaps property to make debugger use .js.map files,
    • outDir property to specify where to find them.