
A small tool for validating arguments in JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

npm version CodeQL Build Status


A small tool for validating arguments in JavaScript


npm install xarg --save


Every function will check if passed variable is defined and if it have a value of a specific type. This will throw an assertion error when values are not valid.

A list of available functions:

  • isArguments()
  • isArray()
  • isArrayBuffer()
  • isBoolean()
  • isBuffer()
  • isDate()
  • isDefined()
  • isEmpty()
  • isError()
  • isFinite()
  • isFunction()
  • isInteger()
  • isMap()
  • isNaN()
  • isNil()
  • isNull()
  • isNumber()
  • isObject()
  • isPlainObject()
  • isPromise()
  • isRegExp()
  • isSet()
  • isString()
  • isSymbol()
  • isTypedArray()
  • isWeakMap()
  • isWeakSet()

To test your arguments you need to pass an object with data. For example:

xarg.isArray({a: [], b:[1,2,3], c: {}})


Example #1

function hello(text, age) {
hello('John', 25); // OK
hello([]); // AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: "text" should be of type String, but got: object
hello('John'); // AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: "age" should be defined
hello('John', 'abc'); // AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: "age" should be of type Number, but got: string

Example #2

class APIService {
  constructor(url) {

  post(json) {

const service = new APIService('https://example.com');
service.post({ data: '123' }); // OK

new APIService([]); // AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: "url" should be of type String, but got: object
new APIService({}); // AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: "url" should be of type String, but got: object

const service = new APIService(123); // AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: "age" should be of type Number, but got: string
service.post('123'); // AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: "json" should be of type Object, but got: string


Run tests:

npm test

Run tests with code coverage:

npm run test-cov