
What's a sonnet to a machine by any other name?

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

The Sonnet Project

What's a sonnet to a machine by any other name?

Using poesy to collect poetic features about sonnets (rhyme, meter, line length), this micro-experiment asks: which textual features best predict whether 14 lines of verse is a sonnet? Word frequencies, or poetic features?

Pipeline of experiment

This experiment was done to maximize replicability. Please join in, either at Step 2 (make your own featuresets) or at Step 3 (change how classification works). Which featuresets and classifiers can best predict sonnets?

  • Step1-MakeSonnetCorpus.ipynb: From whole of Chadwyck-Healey's poetry collections, save a small sample of sonnets (n=650) and non-sonnets (n=650) to corpus/. These were balanced by historical period (quarter-century when author was 30 years old).

    • How to replicate: This step cannot be replicated without access to the full corpus.
  • Step2-GenerateFeatureSets.ipynb: From the 1300 sonnet text files in corpus/, generate featuresets to save in featuresets/, where the index is the filename in corpus/ (e.g. corpus/Sonnets/Z200383337.txt).

    • How to replicate: rerun this notebook. You'll need poesy (Poetic proceessing for Python) and mpi-slingshot to re-run the poetic features. Or just create your own featureset (with the same indices) and save it to featuresets/ .
  • Step3-CompareModels.ipynb: Classify sonnets-vs-nonsonnets using the featuresets in featuresets/, as well as combinations of these featuresets. Results are shown and interpreted at the bottom.

    • How to replicate: rerun this notebook. No special python libraries are needed.

Major results

Precision/recall table

The models that best predict sonnets are:

model precision recall fscore
Poesy + Wordfreqs 0.884 0.822 0.852
Poesy 0.853 0.801 0.826
Rule-Based 0.776 0.834 0.804
Rule-Based (Loose) 0.577 0.969 0.723
Wordfreqs 0.707 0.700 0.703


  • Poetic features (from poesy) in a logistic model perform best (F1=0.83); adding word frequencies to them improves the model slightly (F1=0.85).
  • Poetic features in rule-based classifiers perform second best (F1=0.81).
  • The word frequency model performs worst (F1=0.70).

Precision/recall curves

The tradeoffs between precision and recall in these models can be seen here:

precision/recall surves

Important features

Which are the top 10 best predictors of sonnets?

  • Having long lines (meter length avg parse and meter length avg line).
  • Rhyming 5->8 (as in abbaCddC); 6->7 (abbacDDc); 1-4 (AbbA); 2->3 (aBBa); 2->6 (aBbaaBba [Petrarchan])
  • Having a sonnet rhyme scheme (poesy finds best fit for rhyme scheme among its list of rhyme schemes).
feat model coeff
meter length avg parse poesy 0.091
meter length avg line poesy 0.091
rhymes l05-l08 poesy 0.077
rhyme scheme acc Sonnet H poesy 0.062
rhymes l06-l07 poesy 0.056
rhymes l01-l04 poesy 0.055
rhymes l02-l03 poesy 0.053
rhyme scheme acc Sonnet, Petrarchan C poesy 0.050
rhymes l02-l06 poesy 0.049
rhyme scheme acc Sonnet, Petrarchan A poesy 0.049

Which are the top 25 best predictors of non-sonnets?

  • Having couplets in the poem (many features are successive lines rhyming with each other).
  • Having the fourth syllable be weak (meter perc lines fourthpos w), indicating a trochaic-like line, swsW or an anapestic one, wwsW.
  • Having ternary feet (meter mpos ww).
feat model coeff
rhymes l11-l12 poesy -0.084
rhyme scheme acc Couplet poesy -0.081
rhymes l01-l02 poesy -0.076
rhymes l05-l06 poesy -0.070
rhymes l09-l10 poesy -0.061
rhymes l07-l08 poesy -0.060
rhymes l03-l04 poesy -0.057
rhymes l13-l14 poesy -0.056
meter perc lines fourthpos w poesy -0.046
meter mpos ww poesy -0.043