Haqq Installation Guide
Minimum Hardware Requirements
- 3x CPU; the higher the clock speed the better
- 4GB of RAM
- 80GB Disk
- Persistent Internet connection (traffic will be minimum 10Mbps during testnet - at least 100Mbps expected for production)
Recommended Hardware Requirements
- 4x CPU; the higher the clock speed the better
- 8GB of RAM
- 200 GB storage (SSD or NVME)
- Persistent Internet connection (traffic will be minimum 10Mbps during testnet - at least 100Mbps expected for production)
Haqq Full Node Installation Steps
Automatic Installation with a Single Script
You can set up your Haqq fullnode in a few minutes using the automated script below. You will be asked for your node name (NODENAME) during the script!
wget -O HAQQ.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NodesBlocks/Haqq-Network/main/HAQQ && chmod +x HAQQ.sh && ./HAQQ.sh
Post-Installation Steps
You should make sure your validator syncs blocks. You can use the following command to check the sync status.
haqqd status 2>&1 | jq .SyncInfo
Recover a Wallet
To recover your wallet using mnemonic:
haqqd keys add $WALLETNAME --recover
To get the current wallet list
haqqd keys list
Save Wallet Information
Add Wallet Address:
WALLET_ADDRESS=$(haqqd keys show $WALLETNAME -a)
VALOPER_ADDRESS=$(haqqd keys show $WALLETNAME --bech val -a)
echo 'export WALLET_ADDRESS='${WALLET_ADDRESS} >> $HOME/.bash_profile
echo 'export VALOPER_ADDRESS='${VALOPER_ADDRESS} >> $HOME/.bash_profile
source $HOME/.bash_profile
Edit validator
Before creating a validator please make sure you have at least 1 ISLM (1 ISLM equals 1000000 aISLM) and your node is in sync.
To check your wallet balance
haqqd query bank balances $WALLETNAME
If you can't see your balance in your wallet, chances are your node is still syncing. Please wait for the sync to finish and then continue
Edit a Validator:
haqqd tx staking edit-validator \
--details "Details about your validator" \
--website "Your website" \
--identity "You can find it on keybase.io" \
--security-contact "Your e-mail" \
--moniker $NODENAME \
--chain-id $CHAIN_ID \
--fees 250aISLM
Useful Commands
Service Management
Check Logs:
journalctl -fu haqqd -o cat
Start Service:
systemctl start haqqd
Stop Service:
systemctl stop haqqd
Restart Service:
systemctl restart haqqd
Node Information
Sync Information:
haqqd status 2>&1 | jq .SyncInfo
Validator Information:
haqqd status 2>&1 | jq .ValidatorInfo
Node Information:
haqqd status 2>&1 | jq .NodeInfo
Show Node ID:
haqqd tendermint show-node-id
Wallet Transactions
List of Wallets:
haqqd keys list
Recover wallet using Mnemonic:
haqqd keys add $WALLETNAME --recover
Wallet Delete:
haqqd keys delete $WALLETNAME
Show Wallet Balance:
haqqd query bank balances $WALLETNAME
Transfer tokens between wallets:
haqqd tx bank send $WALLETNAME <TO_WALLET_ADDRESS> 10000000aISLM
haqqd tx gov vote 1 yes --from $WALLETNAME --chain-id=$CHAIN_ID
Stake, Delegation and Rewards
Delegate Process:
haqqd tx staking delegate $VALOPER_ADDRESS 10000000aISLM --from=$WALLETNAME --chain-id=$CHAIN_ID --gas=auto --fees 250aISLM
Redelegate from validator to another validator:
haqqd tx staking redelegate <srcValidatorAddress> <destValidatorAddress> 10000000aISLM --from=$WALLETNAME --chain-id=$CHAIN_ID --gas=auto --fees 250aISLM
Withdraw all rewards:
haqqd tx distribution withdraw-all-rewards --from=$WALLETNAME --chain-id=$CHAIN_ID --gas=auto --fees 250aISLM
Withdraw rewards with commission:
haqqd tx distribution withdraw-rewards $VALOPER_ADDRESS --from=$WALLETNAME --commission --chain-id=$CHAIN_ID
Get Out Of Jail(Unjail):
haqqd tx slashing unjail \
--broadcast-mode=block \
--from=$WALLETNAME \
--chain-id=$CHAIN_ID \
--gas=auto --fees 250aISLM
To Delete Node Completely:
sudo systemctl stop haqqd
sudo systemctl disable haqqd
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/haqqd* -rf
sudo rm $(which haqqd) -rf
sudo rm $HOME/.haqqd* -rf
sudo rm $HOME/haqq -rf
sed -i '/HAQQ_/d' ~/.bash_profile