
Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION


						CentPack Documentation v1.0.5

A generic numerical solver for hyperbolic conservation laws and related time 
dependent problems

				Copyright (C) 2006 Jorge Balbas and Eitan Tadmor

				Date: 04/15/2010
For further information, please contact the authors at centpack@cscamm.umd.edu, 
or visit CentPack's homepage at:


Changes from v1.0.0 (#): 

(1) MATLAB(R) functionality.  The simulation directories created when CentPack examples are compiled include a MATLAB function, EXAMPLE_NAME_frames.m, that create plots of the different flow variables.  The help portion of the .m file also provides simple instructions on how to concatenate those plots/frames to create an animation



I.	Brief Descripton of Software and Algorithm

II. Download

III. Description of this Package

	A. CentPack C++ libraries
	B. Model Specific Files
	C. Problem Specific Files
	D. Make Files
#	E. Matlab Examples

IV. Installation Instructions

	B. How to Install CentPack (source code distribution only)
	C. How to Compile ALL Examples
	D. How to Compile a SINGLE Example

V.	Running a CentPack solver

	A. Running one of CentPack's Examples
	B. CentPack's Output
#	C. What to do with CentPack's Output: sample MATLAB code and gif animations

VI.	Additional Remarks

	A. Additional Calculations
	B. Boundary Rows and Columns

VII. Acknowledgements

I. Brief Description of Software and Algorithm

The files in this distribution implement six different non-oscillatory central 
schemes for solving hyperbolic systems of PDEs in one-, 

u_t + f(u)_x = 0,				(1)

and two-space dimensions,

u_t + f(u)_x + g(u)_y =0,		(2)

over the domain [x_init, x_final] x [y_init, y_final], from time t=0 to t=t_final.

The algorithm is based on the evolution of the cell averages of u, and it is 
implemented in two main steps: #1 reconstruction of point values from cell 
averages and #2 evolution.

Although only a minimal number of files containing model and problem specific 
information (i.e., fluxes, initial and boundary conditions, output variables, 
etc.) are required from the user (examples are provided), and few (if any) 
modifications of the core files should be needed to solve most problems that 
accept the above formulations, (1) or (2), the source code can be easily 
modified and adapted to the taste and requirements of its user.

For more information about central schemes and their implementation consult the 
additional documentation and references therein or visit CentPack's website


For additional information about the variables used by each subroutine, their 
input, and/or output, please refer to the comments provided within each file 
and/or the guide CentPack.pdf provided with this distribution.

This package (or previous versions of it) has been compiled, tested and 
validated in a variety of UNIX / UNIX-like platforms (e.g., Solaris, Linux, IBM 
SP/2, Mac OS/X) for a variety of test problems corresponding to different models 
(e.g., Euler equations of gas dynamics, Ideal MHD equations, Shallow-water 
equations).  The compilation and execution istructions provided below and the 
included Makefiles are linux-based (g++ compiler), but they should work on other 
platforms with minor or no modifications.

II. Download

Pre-compiled CentPack binaries for different architectures are available at:


A full source code distiribution is also available for downlod for registered 
users. The source code version will allow users to modify and adapt CentPack 
best for their specific needs.

Both distributions --precompiled binaries and full source code alike-- are 
distributed with additional source files that allow users to compile and run 
sample applications.

III. Description of this Package

A. The core of this software consists of seven C++ libraries and their 
corresponding header files.  The first one, libarray.a, implement the class of 
multidimensional dynamic data structures (arrays) used to store the solution 
(and other intermediate and associated) variables.  The other six libraries, 
libcentpack_Xd_YDZ.a, implement different versions of non-oscillatory central 
schemes according to the following notation:

X = number of space dimensions: X = 1 or 2,
YD = formulation: Y = F for Fully-Discrete or Y = S for Semi-Discrete, and
Z = order of accuracy of the scheme: 2 for 2nd order, and 3 for 3rd.

For example, the library libcentpack_1d_SD2.a implements a one-dimensional, 
semi-discrete, 2nd order central solver.


	1. The source code distribution contains the source and make files needed to 
	create this libraries, not the libraries themselves.  For a detailed 
	description of each subroutine, please refer to the file describing the 
	subroutine and/or the manual CP_user_guide.pdf.
	2. The number of source files compiled under each library depends on the 
	dimensions, formulation, and order of accuracy of the specific central 
	scheme implemented by that library.
	3. The fully-discrete solvers provided in this package are only 2nd order.

B. Model Specific Files (user specified, examples provided)

	1. fluxx.cc -- defines the funciton f(u) in equation (1).
	2. fluxy.cc -- defines the function g(u) in equation (1).  THIS FUNCTION IS 
	3. spectral_radii.cc -- estimates the maximum speed of propagation of the 
	components of u in both space dimensions.  FOR 1d SOLVERS THE NAME OF THIS 
	FUNCTION IS spectral_radius.cc.
	4. writeout.cc -- defines the output variables as two-dimensional arrays and 
	a rule to extract them from the multi-dimensional array holding the solution 
	u of equation (1) or (2), the variables are extracted and written to files 
	adecuately numbered for further maipulation and analysis of results (e.g., 
	plotting, error analysis, etc.).
C. Problem Specific Files (user specified, examples provided)

	1. initial_conditions.cc -- defines a rule to define the solution mesh and 
	initialize the array holding the solution u.  The function is called by 
	CentPack's main routine before initiating the evolution.
	2. boundary_conditions.cc -- boundary conditions are implemented by applying 
	them to four "ghost" rows and columns (two around each boundary of the 
	solution domain) in the solution array u.  This function provides with a rule 
	to fill those rows/colums acording to the problem boundary conditions.  This 
	allows for the computation of the solution over the computational domain can 
	be carried out.
	3. input -- a short file containing the required input required by CentPack 
	to compute the solution (i.e., number of grid cells along each dimension, cfl 
	restriction, final time of simulation, and other model/problem specific 
	information); the value for each input variable is written on a separate line 
	of the file in the following order (those with addiTsional information in 
	parenthesis, should be ommited in input files for other solvers):
	x_init	--	left end-point of domain in x-direction
	x_final	--	right end-point of domain in x-direction
	y_init	--	left end-point of domain in y-direction (2d solvers only)
	y_final	--	right end-point of domain in y-direction (2d solvers only)
	J		--	number of grid cells in x-direction
	K		--	number of grid cells in y-direction (2d solvers only)
	L		--	number of components of u
	gamma	--	parameter specifying constant ratio of specific heats
	t_final	--	final time of simulation
	dt_out	--	time interval at which intermediate output is desired
	cfl		--	time step restriction
	alpha	--	parameter for second order reconstruction (still required as 
				input for 3rd order)
	B1		--	free parameter (from MHD magnetic field, only required for 1d 
D. Make Files

CentPack is distributed with a number of make files that allow the user to 
compile and install the libraries described above as well as several examples.  
When executed, and according to the additional arguments given with the make 
command, the Makefile at the top CentPack directory, calls recursively to other 
make files in the src/ and src/Xd/samples/ (X = 1,2) subdirectories. These 
files can be easily modified by users to compile their own central solvers.

# E. MATLAB files

The examples provided with the source code in


(X = 1,2), include an MATLAB file, EXAMPLE_NAME_frames.m (_frames actually 
replaces the _YDZ extension in EXAMPLE_NAME), that creates plots of the solution 

IV. Installation Instructions


	1. The following instructions assume that the user specified files have been 
	created (or the provided examples are used)
	2. The > symbol below represents the command line prompt of the command 
	3. The quotation marks below are used to refer to specific file names, they 
	are not part of the name or needed in the command line syntax.
	4. The files named "Makefile" contain compilation instructions for the g++ 
	compiler, adjust as needed for your C++ compiler.
B. How to Install CentPack
	If you downloaded pre-compiled binaries, you can skip to IV.C below.  If you 
	downloaded CentPack's source code:
	1. Move or copy the downloaded archive CP-1.0.tar.gz to your home directory 
	(or anywhere else in your hard drive where you have write permission), and cd 
	> cp CP-1.0.tar.gz $HOME/CP-1.0.tar.gz
	> cd $HOME
	2. Extract the contents of the archive (a directory called CP-1.0) and cd 
	to CP-1.0
	> tar -zxf CP-1.0.tar.gz
	> cd CP-1.0
	3. To compile and install CentPack type
	> make libs
	This will create seven libraries in the subdirectory CP-1.0/lib/, one with 
	the definition of the array classes (data structures) used by CentPack, and 
	six with the implementation of each one of the central solvers implemented by 
	this version of CentPack. You can verify this by typing
	> ls lib/
	if everything went well, you should see a file called liabarray.a, and six 
	other that follow the notation libcentpack_Xd_YDZ, with X, Y, and Z, taking 
	on the values specified above.
C. How to Compile ALL examples
	Make sure you are in CP-1.0, and type
	> make samples
	This will create create a new directory, CP-1.0/samples/, containing six 
	subdirectories consisting of the name of the example, followed by a key of 
	the form _Xd_YDZ denoting the central solver used to compile the example as 
	specified above (e.g., burguers_1d_SD3, euler_2d_FD2, etc.) These directories 
	contain everything needed to run the example and reproduce the animations 
	shown in CentPack's sample pages.
D. How to compile a single example

	Alternatively, individual examples can be compiled by typing
	with NAME_OF_EXAMPLE substituted by one of the following:
	burgers_1d_SD3, euler_1d_SD2, MHD_1d_FD2, euler_2d_FD2, MHD_2d_SD2, and 
	scalar_2d_SD3.  For example, the command
	> make burgers_1d_SD3
	will create the directory CP-1.0/samples/burgers_1d_SD3/ with all the files 
	needed to run the simulation and directories to write the output.
V. Running a CentPack solver

A. Running one of CentPack's examples (assuming burgers_1d_SD3 as the example to 
be run)

	1. After compiling the example(s), go into the sample directory you wish to 
	run.  Make sure you are in CP-1.0, and type
	> cd samples/burgers_1d_SD3/
	Alternatively, if you compiled other examples, you can browse 
	CP-1.0/samples/ and decide which example you want to run, then move to its 
	simulation directory, for example
	> ls samples/
	> cd samples/euler_1d_SD2/
	2. Once in the directory of the example you wish to run, type its name, in our example,
	> ./burgers_1d_SD3
	Note that each simulation directory contains only one executable whose name 
	is quite obvious, the only other contents are the file named 'input', and few 
	directories ending in _files/ and _frames/, where CentPack's output and MATLAB plots will be written respectively.
	This command will start running CentPack's solver.  CentPack will read the 
	data in the input file, set the initial conditions, and evolve them according 
	to the hyperbolic conservation law, equation (1).  After each time iteration, 
	CentPack will write a line to the screen that will help monitor the 
	simulation.  This line contains the following information:
	run -- present simulation time
	dt -- time step used in the last time iteration
	dt_cpu -- CPU time employed in last time iteration
	t -- total CPU time thus far
	odd/even -- (fully-discrete schemes only) indicates whether the last time 
			   step was an even or odd one
	Alternatively, you can run CentPack's example by typing
	> ./burgers_1d_SD3 > monitor &
	This will re-direct the monitoring information to the file monitor.
	Depending in your user privilegies, the performance of the solver can be 
	improved by typing
	> nice ./burgers > monitor &
	When the simulation is completed, in addition to the output files, a file 
	named run_info.txt containing some simulation information, will be generated
B. CentPack's Output (assuming burgers_1d_SD3 is the example run)

	1. The parameter dt_out, provided in the input file, will determine at what 
	approximate time interval the output will be produced.  CentPack's output is 
	produced by the function writeout.cc (examples of this function are 
	provided), which specifies the names and of the variables to be output and a 
	rule to calculate them.  Note that this output variables are not necessarily 
	the ones evolved by CentPack, e.g., when solving Euler's equations of gas 
	dynamics, one may want to print out the pressure and not the conserved 
	2. In our example, the output produced by CentPack is written to two 
	subdirectories of burgers_1d_SD3: u_files/ and t_files/.  The first contains 
	files with the numerical solution of equation (1), u_0, u_1, u_2, etc. (with 
	u_0 corresponding to the initial conditions).  The directory t_files/ 
	contains the files t_0, t_1, t_2, etc., each holding a single value 
	indicating the simulation time at which the corresponding u_n file was 
C. What to do with CentPack's Output

#	1. Each of the examples provided include a MATLAB file, 
	EXAMPLE_NAME_frames.m.  This .m file is copied into the simulation directory 
	of each example and when run from MATLAB, it will create and store the plots of the solution variables of the corresponding example.  Type
	>> help burgers_1d_frames
	in MATLAB for detail information on how to use these files and instructions to create a gif animation.
	2. The output files can be easly loaded into MATLAB or similar software 
	applications for scientific computing (e.g., Scilab or Octave) and 
	manipulated with those applications for further analysis of the results.
	3. The output function does not write the mesh coordinates, x and y.  These 
	are not time dependent (i.e., there is no need to output them every single 
	time the output function is called) and can be easily generated by any of 
	the applications mentioned above.
VI. Additional Remarks and Suggestions

A. Additional Calculations
	Some hyperbolic models may require the enforcement of additional constraints 
	or, in some cses, the user may want to compute additional information related 
	to the problem, but not explicitely calculated in the evolution of the 
	conservation law.  The code is written so as to allow such modifications as 
	part of the existing routines or as new routines that can be added without 
	altering the original structure of the package.  Many such additions have 
	been successfully created and tested by the authors before, some examples 
	include the computation of the transverse kinetic energy or the addition of a 
	external routines to enforce the solenoidal condition of the magnetic field 
	in MHD test problems.

B. Boundary rows and columns.
	The solution variables declared in the source files are of size (J+4) x 
	(K+4), the values of the solution over the discretized domain are calculated 
	and stored in the interior rows and columns (those with indexes ranging form 
	2 to J+1 and 2 to K+1 respectively).  The additional rows and columns (rows 
	numbered 0, 1, J+2, and J+3 and columns numbered 0, 1, K+2, and K+3) are 
	filled/calculated according to the boundary conditions by the function 

VII. Acknowledgements

The authors would like to thank Chris Anderson (UCLA Mathematics) for 
contributing the original source code for the class of multidimensional arrays 
used in this package, and Nick Kisseberth (former CSCAMM Computer System 
Administrator) for his help in organazing and simplifying the source code.
