Sample Console application

Development Enviroment & Tools

The application is developed using .NET Core 2.2 and Visual Studio Comunity Edition 2017.


The application follows the Clean Architecture and it is composed of three components:

  • Parser.Core - represents the main (CORE) business logic. This module does not depend from anything except the .NET Core framework classes
  • Parser.Infrastructure - it provides implementation for interfaces specifed in the Core module like TextWriter, Logger etc.
  • Parser.ConsoleClient - an example of a simple Console Client application that uses the Parser.Core Furthermore, there are two unit test projects:
  • Parser.Core.Tests - unit tests for Parser.Core business services
  • Parser.Infrastructure.Tests - unit tests for Parser.Infrastructure infrastructure services


Before running the application it is necessary to configure the parameters in Parser/Parser.ConsoleClient/appsettings.json file:

  • ReportTitle - a Tite of the report which is written as a first line
  • Separator - a string separator to divide the values in the report

Furthermore, if ReportOutputFilePath, LogFilePath and TextToAnalyzePath are left empty then default values are assigned to them like:

  • ReportOutputFilePath - {current directory}\report.txt
  • LogFilePath - {current directory}\log.txt
  • TextToAnalyzePath - {current directory}\input.txt

How to run the application?

  • clone the git repository
  • navigate to SampleConsole folder
  • build the project with: dotnet build
  • run the console application with: dotnet run --project ./Parser/Parser.ConsoleClient

In Visual Studio

  • open the solution file SampleConsole.sln
  • run the Parser.ConsoleClient application