
A tool which manages cluster of services

Primary LanguageRust


Status: Proof of Concept

Verwalter manages local configuration data and signals processes for reload. It's similar in spirit to confd or consul-template but has very different feature set.

Verwalter also has optional resource management facility and may provide service discovery too.


  • Decentralized distribution of configuration
  • Includes scriptable automated resource management (scripting via lua)
  • Allows resource management even in minority partitions
  • May provide discovery of only same-partition services in case of partitioning
  • Liquid templates for configuration files
  • Web interface to view current configuration state


  • Partitions happen
  • Need some resource management in minority partition (even if it's essentially a "shutdown this service in minority partition", which can't be done if configuration is stored in zookeeper/consul/etcd)
  • Need service discovery in minority partition, better if we could provide "only thease instances are available in current partition"

How it works:

  • Collects metrics via cantal
  • Makes decisions in 10 second rounds
  • Takes into account from 0.5 to 60 minutes of historical metrics
  • Checks reachable nodes at each round
  • Uses raft-like algorithm with weaker consistency guarantees