Hibernate relations


In this HW you will have the following structure in DAO implementations:

public class ActorDaoImpl extends AbstractDao implements ActorDao {
    public ActorDaoImpl(SessionFactory sessionFactory) {

Such a structure is a good example of Dependency Injection implementation. Please, do not modify this. Thus in methods add(Entity entity) and get(Long id) of the DAO layer you need just to refer to the SessionFactory instance of the parent AbstractDao class:

public Entity add(Entity entity) {
    Session session = null;
    Transaction transaction = null;
    try {
        session = factory.openSession();
        transaction = ...


Your task is to implement the following steps:

  • add required hibernate dependencies
  • complete implementation of all classes in the mate/academy/hibernate/relations/model package
  • complete implementation of all classes in the mate/academy/hibernate/relations/dao/impl package
  • create your custom unchecked DataProcessingException and throw it in the catch block on the DAO layer
  • complete implementation of all classes in the mate/academy/hibernate/relations/service/impl/ package
  • create a hibernate.cfg.xml file and implement mate/academy/hibernate/relations/util/HibernateUtil class (this is required for the next step)
  • make mate/academy/Main.java work (you should be able to run main() method without any errors)