Implement Mappers


In this repository, you will find an almost working application. The only task remaining is to implement mappers using the MapStruct library (all required imports are present in the pom.xml file).

As a result of completing this task, you should have a fully functioning application. You should be able to send POST and GET requests to any available controller, and all existing tests should pass.

!!! Important: Remember to provide your credentials in the file during testing. However, DO NOT PUSH THEM in the PR.


In this repository, we have three models: Student, Group, and Subject. These classes simply represent the most common entities in a University app.

A student can be in one group, hence:

    private Group group;

Additionally, a student can study several subjects:

            name = "student_subject",
            joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "student_id"),
            inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "subject_id")
    private List<Subject> subjects;