Kundestyrt prosjekt gruppe 12

Customer driven project group 12

Group members:
Forbord, Ole Marius (omforbor@stud.ntnu.no)
Kristoffersen, Markus Hvidsten (markushk@stud.ntnu.no)
Langli, Karoline Lillevestre (karolill@stud.ntnu.no)
Nguyen, Kenny (kennyn@stud.ntnu.no)
Norum, Ole-Magnus Vian (omnorum@stud.ntnu.no)
Storruste, Amund Kulsrud (amundks@stud.ntnu.no)
Vian, Matias Johansen (matiasjv@stud.ntnu.no)
Vågen, Magnus Morud (magnusmv@stud.ntnu.no)


  1. If you do not have an JDK installation, you will have to download one.
  2. Download JetBrain Intellij.
  3. Download Docker.

Installing the server

The application and the HAPI server need to be able to communicate both ways, and for this to work we run them both locally.

  1. Download the image of the HAPI server by running
docker pull hapiproject/hapi:latest
  1. To start a new container running the server, run the command
docker run -p 8000:8080 hapiproject/hapi:latest

To enable the subscription resource for the local HAPI server we have to edit the application.yaml file.

  1. First we got to open the docker terminal by running the command
docker exec -it "name-of-docker-container" bash 

in another terminal window. “name-of-docker-container” is found in the Docker application. It will be a random adjective paired with a random noun.

  1. Since this docker container does not come with a terminal based text editor, we have to download one before we can edit the application.yaml file. Run the commands
apt-get update 


apt-get install vim 
  1. Now navigate and open the application.yaml file with vim by running
vim webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/application.yaml 
  1. Uncomment the lines "subscription:" and "resthook_enabled: true" by typing i and removing the hashtags on those two lines.

  2. To exit vim press escape and enter :wq.

  3. Restart the docker container

The HAPI server should now be able to use the subscription resource.

Installing the application

  1. Clone our repository using
git clone https://github.com/olemagnusnorum/kundestyrt-prosjekt-gruppe-12.git
  1. Run the Application.kt file within Intellij with the server running in a docker container. The file is located in epic-integration/src/main/kotlin/com/backend

Note: It is important that the HAPI server is done starting up before the kotlin server is run.


The primary page opens with two cases to choose between: parental benefits (Venter barn) and functionality assessment (Funksjonsvurdering). These cases are also found on the sidebar on the left-hand side, and each actor (NAV, doctor, user) is represented within these cases. Because our application primarily serves to test the FHIR API, it is not equipped with luxuries like form validation and verbose responses. It is therefore vital that each input is logical and correct.


Note that most parties need a valid social security number to “log in” or to choose a patient/person. Valid SSNs are 07069012345 (Kari Nordmann) and 07069012346 (Ola Nordmann).


Within the parental benefits case the following functionalities are present:

  • A patient can see whether or not they can apply for parental benefits. They can only do this after a pregnancy is registered by the doctor.
  • A doctor can resgister and update pregnancies. A pregnancy can only be updated after it is created. Note that a valid YYYY-MM-DD date has to be inputted for the start and due dates.
  • NAV can see a list of all registered pregnancies.

Within the functionality assessment case the following functionalities are present:

  • NAV can request information from the doctor by choosing a predefined questionnaire to send. They can also see answers received from the doctor.
  • A doctor can see which questions need to be answered, answer these and send the answers to NAV.


This application follows the FHIR standard. More specifically the following resources have been used:

  • Condition: Represents a pregnancy. The fact that the patient is pregnant is saved in the code field and the due date is saved in the abatement field.
  • Questionnaire: They are predefined and contains questions NAV would like to ask doctors.
  • QuestionnaireResponse: Used to store the answers from the doctors.
  • Task: Tells the doctor which questionnaire they must answer. The for field says which patient the questions regard, and the focus field says which Questionnaire to answer.
  • Subscription: An instance of this resource is specified to look for new or updated resources of a specific type meeting some conditions, and when this is met the whole resource it reacted to is sent to an endpoint of our choice. At this endpoint, we can do what we want with the resource, and in our application the resource is saved to maps they can be fetched from later. We use subscription for Condition (only pregnancies), Task and QuestionanireResponse.

The resource classes

In the resource folder of our project there are classes for the different FHIR resources that have been used. A typical class for a resource will have a function for read, search, create and parse (this varies some due to different needs).

Another thing to notice is that we have used a HAPI library to e.g. parse strings received from the server to FHIR objects, and to create FHIR objects that can be sent to the server.


The frontend is created using FreeMarker and Bootstrap.